Istituto Superiore per la Protezione
e la Ricerca Ambientale


Earth Science Working Group Meeting - 5 december

A Working Group of the US-Italy Science and Technology Joint Commission Meeting

At the Italian Embassy office in Washington, ISPRA President Stefano Laporta, has opened yesterday the meeting on Earth Science and Natural Resources of the Us-Italy Science and Tecnhology Joint Commission.

He said that: The great challenges on environment and natural resources have a global dimension. Through this transatlantic cooperation we tackle them jointly for effective results’.The bilateral meeting between Italian and American reserchers that focus their activities on Earth Science,  aims to analyze future cooperation about natural risk and environment.

At the meeting will partecipate other ISPRA, also INGV, CNR, INFN, ENEA, ASI, together with Civil Protection and some private companies  ( eGEOS e SOTACARBO). Since 2014 ISPRA has begun, with the Geological Survey Service, an activity of cooperation with the USGS (United States Geological Survey), on various topics such as geological mapping, marine and coastal geology, natural hazards (paleoseismology and subsidence), contaminated sites, ecosystems in coastal environments, coastal hydrodynamics and biodiversity. In this occasion ISPRA will sign with USGS an official agreement to implement the cooperation activities in this fields.

Meeting agenda

ISPRA delegation met yesterday afternoon also the responsible for the Energy and Extractive Activities and for the Environment and Natural Resources of the World Bank, at the headquarter of Washington DC, talking about cooperation and development.


Today the working-meeting US-Italy aims to focus on nuclear safety, Earth sciences and the sign for the official agreement ISPRA-USGS.