Istituto Superiore per la Protezione
e la Ricerca Ambientale


ISPRA General Director is the new vice president of European Environmental Agency

The General Director of ISPRA Alessandro Bratti has been appointed vice-president of the European Environment Agency. "There is a lot of work to do, with the involvement of the National System for the Protection of the Environment and through a national reorganization, to provide an important contribution to environmental protection in Europe" said  the new vice president. "This appointment is a recognition of the efforts made in the last few months to strengthen Italy's international presence, and I believe this fact make proud of  ISPRA, ARPA / APPA, MATTM colleagues  and of the other national institutions that have worked to better position ourselves especially in the European field. It is now necessary to better structure the Italian environmental system to make it more coordinated and effective when is  exported abroad.

We will start with in reorganizing  in the international groups in which we participate and establish contacts and permanent exchanges with Italian networks in force at the European institutions dealing with environmental issues, starting with the EEA. My intention is, above all, to commit myself to better support the EEA in its task, but also to demonstrate that the national competencies can be very useful in Europe and worthy of being valued". The President of ISPRA, Stefano Laporta, expressed his congratulations to the Director for the assignment, "a recognition for the Institute and the System, as well as further encouragement to continue on the way to environmental sustainability".