Istituto Superiore per la Protezione
e la Ricerca Ambientale


Third scientific conference of the MARINA project

Next 12- 13 March 2019, there will be the last conference of the European project MARINA, hosted by Nausicaa Sea Centre in Boulogne Sur Mer, France, which Ispra is partner and coordinator of the activities.

The H2020 MARINA project funded by the European "Science with and for Society" program for three years has promoted the implementation of the concept of responsible research and innovation (RRI)  organizing more than 40 seminars on issues of blue growth in the 14 countries represented in the consortium, some traveling exhibitions aimed at schools on topics of protection and management of marine resources, two international scientific conferences focused on the implementation of the RRI approach within the European policy for seas and oceans.

The third scientific conference of the MARINA project will address case studies, experiences and results in the application of the concept of research and innovation responsible in different areas of the marine industry such as tourism and coastal cities, marine pollution, fishing and aquaculture, renewable energy, marine biotechnology, climate change and the impact on the sea, marine transport, extractions in the deep sea, and increased knowledge applied to marine themes.

The call to send contribute for the discussion is open until 8 February.

Further information