Istituto Superiore per la Protezione
e la Ricerca Ambientale


Stefano Laporta and the opening of the First National Conference SNPA

Stefano Laporta, president of ISPRA and SNPA, in the occasion of the opening of the first national conference SNPA, said that "The First SNPA Conference means a lot to me, because only a few years ago seemed unthinkable to imagine. Long, indeed, and quite difficult has been the path that led to the foundation and establishment of the System with the Law 132 of 2016. The idea of System, which I was deeply convinced from the beginning and that had the confidence of Parliament, it is in fact the idea of a capillary "network", which is truly able to respond to the needs of the country and its citizens effectively and promptly: to do this, it is necessary that everyone thinks of a broader perspective, outside from our self-reference ande to look beyond our world, the economic and businesses word, to confront with them, since it is this same external reality that continuously asks us to intervene with authority and without delay”.