Istituto Superiore per la Protezione
e la Ricerca Ambientale


EMAS award Italy 2019 - Call for papers

Ecolabel and Ecoaudit Committee and ISPRA, in order to recognize t and to give visibility to EMAS registered organizations, aims to reward those that have better interpreted and applied the guiding principles of the European scheme: for this purpose also for 2019 the competition for EMAS Italy Award is launched.

It is possible to apply for the for three categories of participation:

• CATEGORY 1 - Communicatively more effective environmental statement

• CATEGORY 2 - Best multimedia product for EMAS

• CATEGORY 3 - EMAS communication initiatives for customers and suppliers

All information concerning admissibility, validity of the participation, reasons for exclusion, categories of prizes and evaluation criteria are contained in the announcement which can be downloaded from the link on this page.

The deadline for the submission of applications to participate, to be completed and sent according to the methods indicated in the announcement, expires on 15 april 2019

Announcement (selection)