Istituto Superiore per la Protezione
e la Ricerca Ambientale


ISPRA meeting with a delegations of the Ministry of the Environment of Kosovo Republic

28 march

Today, Ispra president Laporta has participated in a meeting organized by the Under-Secretary of State, Mrs. Gava, with a delegation from Kosovo in Italy to assess a new possibilities for cooperation on environmental matters; Mariano Grillo, Director of the General Directorate  for Waste and Pollution, together with other officials of Italiani Minister of the Environemt, Land and Sea (MATTM).

Italy has also a tradition of good relations of cooperation with Kosovo and ISPRA is fully part of this scenario: it has recently concluded positive experiences of collaboration with a UNEP project and will soon host a delegation for a TAIEX study visit  on environmental damage.

President Laporta has expressed the full availability and interest of ISPRA to provide technical support and capacity building to the Ministry and to the Environmental Agency of Kosovo, on different topic, in a general frame on the previous agreement between the two countries previous and also for future commitment in the EPA Network in favor of cooperation in the Balkan area and, in particular, with the Kosovo Environment Agency.