Istituto Superiore per la Protezione
e la Ricerca Ambientale


Communication as one, the new frontier of communication in the Mediterranean starts from ISPRA

"Communication as one", as a a single identity: this is the slogan launched today, April 16th, by INFO / RAC, the center for information and communication of the MAP, the Plan for the Mediterranean of the United Nations.This was the topic of the meeting held today in Ispra, with the National Focal Points of  the 22 Mediterranean coastal countries, signatories of the Barcelona Convention,

ISPRA DG Alessandro Bratti expressed his appreciation for the work carried out by the Institute, engaged in this important international role.Gaetano Leone MAP Coordinator underlined the innovative aspects of the communication strategy, focusing attention on the ability to develop a network between countries and to avhieve different  targets, including the general public.