Istituto Superiore per la Protezione
e la Ricerca Ambientale


The SIC2SIC tour starts again from Piemonte

The LIFE Sic2Sic project starts again. On May 14th it will start again from Piemonte, after Friuli-Venezia Giulia, Umbria, Lazio and Sardegna. It will be covered more than 1,100 km, and crossed 373 municipalities in a journey that will end on June 8 in Turin.

The target? To multiply the attention of students, institutions, businesses and all citizens towards the increase of vital issue of biodiversity and the role of the  Rete Natura 2000, which at this moment represents the main tool of European Union policy for biodiversity conservation.

There will be  20 stages very intense in which meetings have been scheduled in the schools to tell the importance of the Natura 2000 Network, meetings with institutions to share experiences of public policies for the protection and enhancement of biodiversity.

On the morning of 7 June at the headquarters of the ARPA Piemonte, as well as the headquarters of the Gran Paradiso National Park (Via Pio VII 9, Turin), the workshop "Life Sic2Sic - By bike through the Italian Natura 2000 Network: the story of the project and experience  piemontese"


Calendar stages