Istituto Superiore per la Protezione
e la Ricerca Ambientale


European directive Marine stratety: Ispra starts monitoring activities

The first monitoring campaign implemented by ISPRA has started, which joins the activities carried out by the ARPAs on the national territory, in the frame of  the agreement that ISPRA and the ARPAs have stipulated with the Ministry of the Environment on the EU Marine Strategy Framework Directive.

From today, the ISPRA oceanographic vessel ASTREA will carry out seabed monitoring activities within the subprogramme "Monitoring of the extension of  biocenosis subjected to physical damage" (as per DM 11 February 2015), using geophysical tool such as 'echosounder Kongsberg EM2040, able to acquire data to map the high Adriatic seabed in high resolution.

The main target of the monitoring plans is to comply with the requirements of the Marine Strategy Directive (56/2008 / CEE), implemented in Italy in 2010, which aims to contribuite to the  ecological status protection of Italian seas and manage impacts anthropogenic through specific protection measures.