Istituto Superiore per la Protezione
e la Ricerca Ambientale


Second meeting of partern project ChangeWeCare in Croatia

The second meeting of the partners of the ChangeWeCare, project was held in Metkovic on 18 and 19 June 2019, funded by the INTERREG Italy-Croatia cross-border collaboration program on the subject on  climate change adptation in Adriatic coastal areas.

The Croatian town is home of to the Neretva River Delta Park which is one of the five pilot sites of the project. An inspection visit to the area which is also a Natura 2000 site, recognized by the European Union for the protection of biodiversity, has allowed the Italian and Croatian partners to appreciate the natural characteristics of this wetland near the sea which is located in the southern part of Dalmatia, not far from the border with Bosnia and Herzegovina.

The meeting was very useful to analyze the project activities carried out and to underline the need for strong involvement of local authorities, economic stakeholders and other interested parties in the five pilot sites of the project: two in Italy (delta park of the Po, Mula bench of Muggia), and three in Croatia (the mouths of the Neretva river and Jadro and the natural park of Vransko Jezero).