Istituto Superiore per la Protezione
e la Ricerca Ambientale


New Service Webgis GemMA-Geodatabase Morphology water course in Piemonte

ISPRA has developed the IDRAIM methodological analysis system to monitoring and assess the morphological status of water courses. The system includes a series of evaluation tools including the Morphological Quality Index, IQM, adopted as a national reference method within the Ministerial Decree 260/2010. The approach was applied on a national level by the regional agencies. Among these, ARPA Piemonte, which has implemented a new webgis service GEmMA-GEodatabase Morfologia corsi d'acqua in Piemonte", for the purpose of implementing the Water Framework Directive and in the context of the wider sharing of data related to the analysis morphology of water courses and the measurement of the Morphological Quality Index.

Webis service