Istituto Superiore per la Protezione
e la Ricerca Ambientale


Addressing climate change adaptation and protected areas management

Trondheim, Norvay , 2-4 October 2019

While responses to climate change appear insufficient at the global scale, it is urgent for the biodiversity sector to assess ways to integrate adaptation to climate change and its impacts in conservation action and and to deliver it.

To explore how to achieve greater synergies between climate change adaptation, protected areas and disaster risks reduction, a Joint meeting of the Convention’s Groups of Experts on Protected Areas and Ecological Networks and on Climate Change and Biodiversity is being organised in collaboration with the Norwegian Environment Agency, to be held in Trondheim (Norway) on 3rd - 4th October 2019.

The Joint meeting will aim at bridging policy and practice for enhancing climate change mitigation/adaptation in the management of protected areas and showcasing good practices on how nature-based solutions and adaptive protected areas can help mitigate the impacts of natural disasters and contribute to disaster risk management, in the context of climate change. Experts from the European and Mediterranean Major Hazards Agreement will also share their experiences.

This meeting will be preceded by the 10th meeting of the Group of Experts on Protected Areas and Ecological Networks on the afternoon of 2nd October to review the reporting under Resolution No. 8 (2012) on the conservation status of species and habitats, discuss the addition of new habitats to Resolution No. 4 (1996) as well as future work of the Group of Experts.

At the meeting will participate an Ispra expert.

Further information