Istituto Superiore per la Protezione
e la Ricerca Ambientale


Asiatic alien, attention to the bed bug!

The exotic insect harmful to plantations. Which can be up to 200 eggs per female. Economic damages in 2019 estimated at around 250 million euros.

A hearing was held in the last few days at the XIII Agriculture Committee at the Chamber of Deputy in which ISPRA was asked to talk on initiatives to combat the spread of the Asian marmorata (Halyomorpha halys), known as bed bug. Insect of an exotic species for our country, observed for the first time in 2012 in Emilia Romagna, then reported in all Italian regions; the insect comes from China, Japan, Korea and Taiwan, it feeds on many plants, including those of agricultural and tree interest. Also in Italy the species, in a short time after arrival, caused strong impacts in orchards initially in Emilia Romagna, progressively throughout northern Italy, and more recently in the center of the country.

Press release