Istituto Superiore per la Protezione
e la Ricerca Ambientale


At Ecomondo ISPRA presents the activities of the ChangeWeCare project

At the Ecomondo Fair in Rimini, from 5 to 8 November, at the ISPRA stand, the activities of the INTERREG collaboration project between Italy and Croatia will be presented ChangeWeCare - “Climate cHallenges on coAstal and traNsitional cHanging arEas: WEaving at Cross Adriatic Response”. Brochures will be distributed at the stand to illustrate the objectives of the project and its activities started on 1 January 2019 with funding from the European Regional Development Fund for territorial cohesion in the European Union.

The project, which has a duration of 30 months, aims to implement the knowledge and monitoring of the effects of climate change on the transition and coastal environments of the Adriatic area, in order to plan the necessary mitigation and adaptation measures to climate change. ISPRA is a member of the consortium which brings together six Italian and five Croatian institutions and coordinates study activities related to the effects of coastal erosion on habitats. The project is part of the activities carried out by ISPRA in the Northern Adriatic area and above all in the marine-coastal environments and in transitional waters. ChangeWeCare is coordinated by the CNR ISMAR of Venezia and the other Italian partners, in addition to ISPRA, are the Veneto Region, the Emilia Romagna Region, the   Park of Delta  Po of Emilia Romagna Park, the Friuli Venezia Giulia Region.