Istituto Superiore per la Protezione
e la Ricerca Ambientale


COP Young

Today in Napoli  "COP Young” an event organized by the Ministry of the Environment in cooperation with the Municipality of Napoli, CNR / ISMed (Institute for the Mediterranean), and with the support of UNEP/ MAP, and with the contribution of SDSN Mediterranean c / o Santa Chiara Lab - University of Siena. The event is an important step in preparation for the 21st Conference of the Parties (COP21) of the Barcelona Convention, also scheduled for December 2-5 in Naples.

ISPRA is participating at  the meeting as the INFO-RAC center of UNEP-MAP, this year the founder of the website of the COP21 of the Barcelona Convention, a site developed for the first time in the history of the Conferences of the Parties.

As per INFO RAC mandate, ISPRA has taken care of the communication aspects and, in particular, has collected the messages received from the young people that will then be collected in a document that will be presented at COP21 in December.