Istituto Superiore per la Protezione
e la Ricerca Ambientale


Ispra between the team leader of Sorp project

The Southern Ocean Research Partnership (IWC-SORP) is a research consortium  defined in the frame of International Whaling Commission– IWC.

The SORP target is carried out  innovative and non-lethal study activities in the southern ocean on different cetacean species. Killer whale in the southern ocean it is one of the priority themes of the SORP that aims at the study of distribution, abundance, displacements and in general the food ecology of the ecotypes of orcas in the southern hemisphere and in particular of the southern ocean.

One of the leaders of the theme is an Ispra expert(  formerly vice-chair of the sterring committee of SORP, which has carried out some research on the use of the habitat of the ecotype C (fish eating ecotype) of the orca in the Ross Sea.