Istituto Superiore per la Protezione
e la Ricerca Ambientale


ISPRA and ARPAV, 10 years of collaboration in the Ecological Monitoring of the Venice Lagoon

ISPRA has concluded the laboratory analyzes of the 77 benthos stations sampled from May to June 2019 in the Venice Lagoon for the definition of the ecological status of benthic macroinvertebrates pursuant to the Water Framework Directive (2000/60 / EC), carried out as part of a specific Collaboration Agreement with ARPA Veneto. The results of the data processing and the application of the ecological indices will soon be available and sent to the Competent Authorities for institutional obligations.

ISPRA researchers and technicians from Chioggia have been involved for years in monitoring and assessing the quality status of the Venice Lagoon, the largest lagoon in the Mediterranean. Since 2009, the ISPRA group of the Transition Environments Assessment and Impacts Section of CN-COS has been working together with ARPAV in the application of the provisions of Directive 2000/60 / EC, through field activities, analysis, processing and evaluation. some data. In ten years of work, three cycles of monitoring of Biological Quality Elements, as well as chemical-physical parameters supporting the classification of the Ecological State have been planned, updated and performed. ISPRA and ARPAV will soon present the new plan to monitoring the next three years. In addition, the collaboration will provide specific insights on heavily modified water bodies.

The close and continuous collaboration between the Assessment and Impacts of ISPRA Transition Environments section of Chioggia and the Centro Veneto Acque Marine e Lagunari Service of the Provincial Department of Venice of ARPAV has allowed ISPRA researchers, not only to test the Guidelines, Protocols and the national legislation for the implementation of the Directive 2000/60 / EC, but also to establish a continuous comparison with the Agency on the methodological problems that emerge during the implementation phase.