Istituto Superiore per la Protezione
e la Ricerca Ambientale


Second meeting of the Open-Ended Working Group for the development of the Global Biodiversity Framework for the post-2020 period within the framework of the UN Convention biodiversity conservation

The road to reach a worldwide agreement to defend the integrity of Nature passes from Rome

In 2010, the tenth session of the Conference of the Parties (COP), i.e. the summit of the countries that signed the Convention on Biological Diversity - CBD, approved the Global Strategic Plan for Biodiversity (Global Strategic Plan) for the period 2011-2020. The Plan included 20 objectives, composed of   56 indicators, collectively known as Aichi Biodiversity Targets. In this decade, the Aichi Plan and Targets have constituted the reference framework for the definition of national, regional and global targets to promote and adopt urgent and effective measures to halt the loss of biodiversity and ensure resilient ecosystems by 2020.

Unfortunately, as highlighted in the fourth edition of the UN Global Biodiversity Outlook and a large series of independent studies, much of the international effort to achieve Aichi's goals for Biodiversity is failing . Of the 56 indicators, only 5 appear to be in the process of being approved by 2020; 33 report some progress, but with an unsatisfactory progression to achieve the expected goal, 10 do not show any progress, while 5 even show a deterioration and 3 have not even been evaluated. The constant loss of biodiversity threatens the ability of the planetary living system to provide ecosystem services. To change this trend, the world community intends to define a global framework for the conservation of biodiversity (Global Biodiversity Framework, GBF) for the post-2020 period. In this GBF drafting and approach to Kunming COP15, an important step is the one that passes through Rome, where the second Open-Ended meeting is scheduled at the FAO headquarters from 24 to 29 February 2020 Working Group for the development of the GBF for post-2020.

The zero draft, available on the site, was produced by the CBD Secretariat, also integrating the results of the discussion and the contribution of the Parties following the first meeting of the Open-Ended Working Group which took place in late August in Nairobi.

A group of ISPRA experts participates in the Rome meeting.