Istituto Superiore per la Protezione
e la Ricerca Ambientale


Earth Hour 2020

28 March 8.30 pm

Earth Hour 2020 - Raise your voice for a healthy Mediterranean

ISPRA, as UNEP / MAP INFO / RAC center, promotes the Earth Hour 2020 together with the United Nations!

Launched by the WWF and its partners in Sydney in 2007, starting from the symbolic gesture of turning off the lights for an hour Earth Hour is now one of the largest basic movements in the world for the environment..

It is held every year on the last Saturday of March and involves millions of people in over 180 countries. By turning off the lights we show our support for the planet. In Earth Hour 2020, we ask you to raise your voice for nature and ask for courageous actions to protect ecosystems and biodiversity in the Mediterranean region. We turn off the lights for an hour and pollution for life adopting lifestyle choices that reduce plastic waste in the Mediterranean, one of the regional seas most affected by marine litter in the world.

Find out how you can participate here .