Istituto Superiore per la Protezione
e la Ricerca Ambientale



Green Restart- How will change our development after the Coronavirus? Territorial sustainability, cultural heritage and tourism

May 29, 2020 from 02:30 PM to 04:00 PM Webinar,
Tourism represents 10% of world GDP, which is why it is necessary to think of a different approach to tourism that is capable of directing tourist flows also to areas today considered peripheral. Sustainable tourism meets some essential requirements but the responsibility of travelers in contact with the local population and in attention to the management of resources and waste is also linked to sustainability.At the meeting ISPRA DG Alessandra Bratti will participatetogether with Dario Franceschini, Ministry of Tourism and Cultural Heritage.  Registration webinar  

On-line video lesson on Bargain project

After the cartoon "banquette to the rescue" Ispra has made a series of (mini) video lessons to explore the important role of posidonia beached in the coasts protection, although it is still perceived as something to remove to make beaches "more beautiful”.

Round table "Bees World Day"

May 20, 2020 from 10:30 AM to 12:00 PM Videoconference,
The World Bee Day is celebrated on 20 May, established in 2017 with a United Nations Resolution, to raise public awareness and political decision-makers about the importance of these insects, fundamental for the ecosystems balance and food security, and therefore on the need to remove hundreds of thousands of species of bees and other pollinators from the threat of extinction to which they are subjected.