Istituto Superiore per la Protezione
e la Ricerca Ambientale


Project of the Police Headquarters of Ferrara "Pure Clear Safe Water"

In the occasion of  the World Environment Day, the Ferrara Police Headquarters has organized an action for an initiative aimed at the progressive reduction of the use of disposable plastic bottles. ISPRA-SNPA, with the collaboration of the President, Stefano Laporta, and the Director General, Alessandro Bratti, has supplied the glass bottles to be used in place of the plastic bottles. With this project, the Questore di Ferrara, dr. Cesare Capocasa, aims to phasing out the use of plastic bottles in favor of that of water bottles, which would result in an annual decrease of about 60,000 plastic containers. The European Union has in fact as its goal for 2029 to bring the recycling of disposable plastic bottles to 90% compared to the current 53%.

