Istituto Superiore per la Protezione
e la Ricerca Ambientale


Press conference: the public campaign of the Italian Ministry of the Environment on the correct disposal of gloves and masks

The communication campaign of the Ministry of the Environment was presented at a press conference in Rome, in collaboration with the Coast Guard, Ispra, Iss, Enea and the Colao commission - the first live post-Covid - by Minister Sergio Costa, at the headquarters of the Command General of the Coast Guard. Three points on which he focuses: throwing masks and gloves in the undifferentiated, use as much as possible of the reusable ones, do not throw them on the ground to avoid serious damage to the environment. The President of Ispra and SNPA, Stefano Laporta, said that "Ispra and the National System for Environmental Protection" adhere to this campaign which mainly appeals to the civic sense of each of us. The numbers are clear: in Italy there is a daily production of waste from masks equal to about 410 tons, with an average value for the end of 2020 of 100,000 tons of waste. The production of glove waste at the end of the year will be of an average value of 200,000 tons. These numbers must necessarily lead us to responsible behavior towards the environment".