Istituto Superiore per la Protezione
e la Ricerca Ambientale


Mediterranean Coast Day

The Mediterranean Coast Day, established by the UNEP / Mediterranean Action Plan since 2007, is organized every year by PAP / RAC, Center for Integrated Coastal Management, in a different place of the Mediterranean.
ISPRA, as a Regional Center of Activities for Information and Communication (INFO / RAC) operating in support of the Barcelona Convention, in cooperation with PAP / RAC and the Coordination Unit of the MAP has devised a digital campaign full of initiatives aimed at a wide range of targets.
Ambassador of the Costa 2020 is mr. Oliviero Montanaro, Director General  of the Italian Minister of Environment for more than twenty years, actively engaged in the protection of the Mediterranean marine environment and the coastal region through the implementation of the Barcelona Convention.

By this title PAP/RAC honors, for the duration of one year, persons that inspire, through their work and engagement, the people from the Mediterranean and beyond, to better understand, protect and respect the coasts and their environment.

Further information