Istituto Superiore per la Protezione
e la Ricerca Ambientale


“Third issue of the SoED report since 2005 and very little has changed in the Mediterranean” the Plan Bleu states

Despite the actions taken by the Barcelona Convention over more than 40 years, the future of the Mediterranean is at a critical point. Damage to ecosystems that can compromise human well-being risks becoming irreversible. ISPRA, as the INFO / RAC Centre of UNEP MAP (Mediterranean Action Plan), focuses on the State of the Environment and Development in the Mediterranean (SoED) published by Plan Bleu and UNEP / MAP.

The report represents the most complete and updated diagnosis of sustainable development in the Mediterranean. According to the report, According to the report, 15 per cent of deaths in the Mediterranean are attributable to preventable environmental factors; in 2016, more than 228,000 people died prematurely from exposure to air pollution. The region – one of the world’s most coveted tourism destinations (360 million arrivals in 2017) and one of its busiest shipping routes – is polluted by an estimated 730 tonnes of plastic waste every day. The presence of more than 1,000 non-indigenous species also poses threats to biodiversity, and the region is warming 20 per cent faster than the global average. Gaetano Leone, Coordinator of the UNEP/MAP-Barcelona Convention Secretariat states: “By shedding light on the mistakes of the past, the report’s findings can guide a green renaissance in the Mediterranean. Embarking on greener development paths now can halt the environmental degradation trends and salvage hard-won achievements in the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)”.