Istituto Superiore per la Protezione
e la Ricerca Ambientale



National Geographic Festival of Sciences - Interview with the President of Ispra and Snpa

Nov 13, 2020 from 06:00 PM to 07:00 PM Online event,
Among the initiatives organized by the National Geographic Festival of Sciences in the week from 9 to 15 November, the president of ISPRA and of the National System for the Protection of the Environment -SNPA, Stefano Laporta will speak on Friday 13 November ain the section "Interview with the director". Accompanied by Vittorio Bo, the Director of National Geographic Italia Marco Cattaneo talks with Stefano Laporta to analyze the data and trends of the current and future scenario of environmental protection in Italy and Europe and understand the role of research and scientific dissemination, starting from the role of ISPRA during the health emergency.

CNR strengthens the fight against Covid-19 thanks to the support of League Serie B and the generosity of the Italians

It was the end of March when the campaign started with solidarity SMS organized by the Lega Football Serie B and addressed to support the effort of  CNR (National Research Council) engaged in the fight against Coronavirus, started. Now that initiative called 'The Great Heart of Serie B' reaches the last act with the donation of 50.000 euros and the news that the largest Italian public research body, thanks to its multidisciplinarity, will hire a young researcher or a excellent young researcher for two years. The researcher will be involved with a specific task in the following topic: "Mechanisms of activation and deregulation of innate immunity and inflammatory responses in the interaction between the human host and the SARS-CoV-2 virus"

The environmental dimension in the mediterranean diet as a model of sustainable feeding

Nov 16, 2020 from 11:30 AM to 01:30 PM
On November 16 the Mediterranean Diet will celebrate 10 years of recognition as a cultural heritage by UNESCO. To celebrate this anniversary, the Ministry of the Environment together with the Italian National Commission for Unesco, has planned a calendar of activities that will be presented on the same day at 9.30 coordinated by the journalist Donatella Bianchi and with a debate between Ministers and members of the academy word. The event will be broadcast live on the page .

National forum: the bioeconomy of the forests

Nov 19, 2020 Online event,
The event aims to analyze to the bioeconomy and forest ecosystems, biodiversity conservation, global challenges and the role that forests can have in the implementation of the National Recovery and Resilience Plan and to achieve the objectives of the EU Strategy for biodiversity. An important opportunity to debate on good practices, tools and policies to relaunch the country

National methodologies for adaptation to climate change: planning for adaptation on a regional scale

Nov 26, 2020 from 09:30 AM to 01:30 PM Online event,
The Ministry of the Environment, Land and Sea, has launched an institutional process to spread the culture of adaptation to climate change at the regional and local level and overcoming the territorial disparities in this matter, in line with the contents of the National Strategy of Adaptation to climate change (SNAC) and the National Adaptation Plan (PNACC), currently being approved. This path is the basis of the activities of the Intervention Line 5 "Strengthening administrative capacity for adaptation to climate change" of the "CReIAMO PA" Project, to develop skills, defining and disseminating methodologies for adapting to climate change.

Proposals to rebuild Italy: a model of public debate to carry out the infrastructures

The essay "Projecting for tomorrow" provides useful input to build a simple and concrete methodology to face the public debate established by the law on the civil and industrial infrastructures. A reflection aimed to contribute to overcome the NIMBY syndrome and its negative effects on the Country's development, especially now that the "Recovery Fund" imposes rapid times and precise obligations in order to enjoy the resources that will be made available by the European Union.

Marine litter: from fishermen to guardian of the sea

Nov 20, 2020 from 11:30 AM to 01:30 PM Webinar,
The event is part of the Sealogy exhibition that aims to promote good practices and experiences on Blue economy, an opportunities also for companies and allo the stakeholders involved in this field. The webinar is dedicated to marine pollution and the collection of waste at sea. An opportunity for discussion and exchange on projects, on initiatives in the field but also on the critical issues in the collection of marine waste.

Harmony Project - "Laboratory of Co-design for proposals and measures for the PAF Nature 200"

Nov 17, 2020 from 11:00 AM to 01:00 PM
The initiative is implemented as part of the " Harmony " project, funded by the P.O. Italy-Malta 2014-2020, whose objective is to define coordinated and shared intervention strategies for the assessment of the integrity of the seabed and the presence of invasive non-indigenous species in the Italian-Maltese area, through the promotion of inclusive decision-making processes participatory.  

Analysis and effects of climate change in the Mediterranean environment

Nov 27, 2020 from 09:30 AM to 06:30 PM
The seminar is organized by SIGEA Italian Society of Environmental Geology in cooperation with RemTech Expo and the National Council of Geologists. Four in-depth sessions: Geo-hydrological instability; Agriculture, forestry and animal husbandry; Quantity and quality of water, health and quality of life; Natural and cultural heritage, economy and tourism.

“Third issue of the SoED report since 2005 and very little has changed in the Mediterranean” the Plan Bleu states

Despite the actions taken by the Barcelona Convention over more than 40 years, the future of the Mediterranean is at a critical point. Damage to ecosystems that can compromise human well-being risks becoming irreversible. ISPRA, as the INFO / RAC Centre of UNEP MAP (Mediterranean Action Plan), focuses on the State of the Environment and Development in the Mediterranean (SoED) published by Plan Bleu and UNEP / MAP.

Opening event of the XXXIV edition of Remote Future

Nov 20, 2020 from 10:00 AM to 12:00 PM
Future Remote  is an event planned by Città della Scienza and this year will beheld from 20 to 29 November. The XXXIV edition of Future Remote proposes a journey through the metamorphosis of our planet due to climate change and major “planetary” events, such as the Covid19 pandemic. The edition of Future 2020 aims to take advantage of a lesson that comes from the pandemic: the essential role of scientific and technological research for our well-being and of the planet, especially in the biomedical sector and computer science.

Ispra and Naval League together in Livorno for the marine environment protection

The protection of the marine environment and its biodiversity are at the center of a cooperation, within the NET Science Together project, between ISPRA, the Italian Naval League (Livorno section) and the CNR Institute for Bioeconomy. ISPRA researchers at the Livorno office have promoted a new synergy between the world of marine research and the Naval League, with which the Institute has been collaborating to achieve common objectives of marine environmental protection. This initiative is promoted with the NET project, of which ISPRA and CNR are part, also with the prestigious sailing boat "MEROPE" of the Naval League, sponsored with the NET project logo.

National Geographic Festival of Sciences - The crucial role of environmental education for our Future

Nov 29, 2020 from 10:30 AM to 11:30 AM Event on line,
As part of the fifteenth edition of the National Geographic Festival of Sciences, the on-line event organized by ISPRA "The crucial role of environmental education for our future" will be held on 29 November. The project aims to introduce children to knowledge of the water world, through a multidisciplinary path, which starts from mythology and art to arrive at the dangers and threats caused by human beings.  

Greenhouse gas emissions of industrial origin

2-4-9-11 december 2020 RSE (Energy System Research) and ISPRA aims to promote thematic interventions to involve Agencies of the National Network System for Environmental Protection (SNPA) affected by the topics covered. Over the four days the issues of diffuse emissions will be addressed through interventions by the institutions involved and operators in the industrial sector.

National methodologies for adaptation to climate change: planning for a local scale

Dec 10, 2020 from 09:30 AM to 01:30 PM
The conference is dedicated to the presentation of the methodology developed by Line 5 of the Creiamo PA Project for the definition of adaptation plans and paths on a local scale. The document was developed a series of actions and projects activated by Italian cities and European and international collaboration networks that work for the resilience of urban areas and local communities.

An fascinating virtual tour in the ISPRA laboratories of Castel Romano

Also this year the Castel Romano National Laboratory Center will offer the opportunity to see the laboratories with a virtual tour that will allow the users, directly from their houses, to visit where research is carried out, entering in the chemistry, biology and metrology laboratories and closely observe research and experimentation tools and activities.