Istituto Superiore per la Protezione
e la Ricerca Ambientale


LIFE Sic2Sic project: objectives, activities and results achieved

The Project LIFE SIC2SIC, co-financed by the EU under the LIFE program, has achieved its conclusion. The projects aimed to design a communication campaign in order to strengthen and promote an active and conscious participation of students, citizens, institutions and businesses in the economic and social protection and enhancement of biodiversity in the Natura 2000 network sites (RN2000).


Objectives and targets have oriented in the direction of an integrated campaign where traditional activity of events, institutional meetings, press office and information spread in schools, with new media interventions through Adv and social-web editorial control and an unconventional communication action in the form of the bike trip. Leading this rich and articulated set of activities was ISPRA which worked in partnership with the communication company Ares 2.0, the Italian Federation of the Environment and Bicycle (FIAB), and the 'Enne3 business incubator.


Report  (ita)