Istituto Superiore per la Protezione
e la Ricerca Ambientale


Started the National Hydrological Water Budget Project

The National Hydrological Water Budget Project, which is coordinated by ISPRA and foreseen a total funding of 10.5 million Euros, aims at integrating the activities for the operational hydrological monitoring provided by the hydrographic offices of the Italian Regions and Autonomous Provinces (according to the Italian Prime Minister's Decree of 24 July 2002), at boosting river discharge measurements, and at implementing a uniform methodology for the management of hydrological data at national scale and for the use of these data in the hydrological water budget evaluation.



The Project is part of the Environment Operational Plan promoted by the Italian Ministry of the Environment and it is organized at national and river basin district levels with the participation of the seven Italian River Basin District Authorities, 19 regional hydrographic offices, seven of which are included in the National Environmental Protection System (SNPA), and the two hydrographic offices of the autonomous provinces, which are federated within the Italian National Board for Hydrological Operational Services coordinated by ISPRA.


Detailed news available on the Ministry of the Environment webpage