Istituto Superiore per la Protezione
e la Ricerca Ambientale


RAMOGE international oceanographic campaign. The volume of presentation of the results published on the website of the International Agreement

The RAMOGE international oceanographic campaign, coordinated on the Italian side by ISPRA and conducted in the summer of 2018 with the French oceanographic vessel "L'Atalante" Ifremer and the ROV Victor 6000, a robot capable of descending to a depth of 6000 m , has allowed the study of canyons and submarine mountains in the Ligurian Sea and to acquire information never previously collected.

The use of this impressive instrumentation has allowed the study of seven sites of particular ecological interest, deep areas still largely unexplored, chosen precisely to deepen their knowledge on the habitats and species present, and to collect data on the potential presence of the impact of human activities, with particular attention to the accumulation of waste.

This campaign has therefore constituted a concrete example of coordinated cooperation between cross-border countries, a factor that  an essential element for the RAMOGE Agreement, because it favors the definition of shared solutions for the conservation of biodiversity and the fight against pollution.

The volume created provides the opportunity to have an overview of the activities carried out, the discoveries made, the knowledge acquired and the importance of the latter in support of the establishment of new NATURA2000 sites to protect the underwater mountains studied, favoring thus the strengthening of the European network NATURA2000 for its marine component.

Further information
