Istituto Superiore per la Protezione
e la Ricerca Ambientale


Tsumani in Japan: ten years later

Next 11 March will be held: “11.03.11| 11.03.21 Tsunami in Japan: Ten years later” on the channel YouTube INGVEventi.
Scientists from INGV, and in particular from the Tsunami Warning Center (CAT), will analyze what happened in the tragic event of 11 March 2011, one of the five strongest earthquakes in the last 100 years.

The researchers will illustrate the alert systems existing at the time and those developed subsequently, with a specific focus on the possibility that similar events may also occur in the Mediterranean Sea, where the CAT-INGV has been operating since 2016.
The latter, in fact, coordinated by the Civil Protection Department and in collaboration with ISPRA, provides alert messages to Sistema nazionale di Allertamento Maremoti (SiAM) and to other Countries of the euro-Mediterranean

Web site INGV