Istituto Superiore per la Protezione
e la Ricerca Ambientale


Mediterranean Intercultural Dialogues 2020-2021

On November 30, 2020, the official opening videoconference of the Mediterranean Colloquia took place with the interventions of the 18 Italian and foreign Coordinators, introduced by the President of the international COMEN Association.

Between the coordinators of the 9 thematic areas, Stefano Laporta, ISPRA President, chair of the thematic area 7 (Scientific research and technological innovation dedicated to the protection and enhancement of the environmental heritage, to the monitoring, forecasting and prevention of risks in the most exposed areas, to the mitigation of environmental and socio-economic damage. The new frontiers of the circular economy).

Over 120 scientists, university professors, researchers and exponents of culture and the arts have already joined the work of the Colloquia as speakers. Further growth is expected by the end of the current year. Leaders, executives and exponents of political parties of the Mediterranean countries do not take part directly in the Colloquia, in order to guarantee complete independence from any political influence. The Mediterranean Colloquies 2020-2021 want to be an independent place of reflection with a high cultural and scientific profile, to offer a contribution of ideas to government institutions in the direction of sustainable development, the necessary renewal of economic models and the dignity of the human person