Istituto Superiore per la Protezione
e la Ricerca Ambientale


Second scientific conference of LIFE Perdix

3 webinar events
The webinar cycle of the LIFE Perdix project will start the 23 April, with the first meeting on the monitoring methods of the wildlife. The second meeting, on genetics for species conservation and health monitoring, will be held on 30 April. Finally, the third webinar on ecosystem functions in favor of species conservation will take place on 7 May.

The Project LIFE Perdix aims at the recovery and conservation of the Italian Gray Partridge (Perdix perdix italica), declared extinct in the wild. The main actions of the project are: genetic characterization of the subspecies analysis, breeding in captivity and reintroduction of viable populations within the Natura 2000 site Valle del Mezzano, Special Protection Area (SPA IT4060008) in the Po Delta.

ISPRA is the project leader and the other partners are the Po Delta park, Legambiente, Federcaccia, the forestry and environmental police and the National Federation of French hunters.


To partecipate:  by 21 april 2021