Istituto Superiore per la Protezione
e la Ricerca Ambientale


Wolf returns in the Circeo National Park

The wolf is returning to occupy many of the areas from which it had disappeared due to direct persecution by man. For about a year, sightings of some specimens have also been recorded within the territory of the Circeo National Park, where already in the summer of 2020 the Institute of Applied Ecology, on behalf of the Carabinieri Command for the Protection of Biodiversity and Parks , and with the support of the Carabinieri Biodiversity Department of Fogliano, had detected the presence of a couple in the forest and a female. Genetic analysis found the individuals to be wolves.

The Ministry of the Environment has given a mandate to ISPRA to produce an updated estimate of the distribution and consistency of the wolf at national level. To respond to this ambitious challenge, ISPRA has created a highly specialized working group, which involves zoologists and geneticists, and has activated a collaboration with Federparchi Europarc Italia and the EU project  LIFE WolfAlps-EU.

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