Istituto Superiore per la Protezione
e la Ricerca Ambientale



Cooperation agreement between ISPRA, SIGEA, Majella Global UNESCO Geopark and Superintendence of Archeology, Fine Arts and Landscape for the provinces of Chieti and Pescara

Launched the cooperation agreement between ISPRA, SIGEA, Majella Global UNESCO Geopark and Superintendence of Archeology, Fine Arts and Landscape for the provinces of Chieti and Pescara aimed at the census, in-depth study and dissemination of knowledge related to the sites of geological memory present in the Abruzzo region.

FOIA and environmental information

Webinar of the 29 april 2021 As part of the coordination activities of the SI-URP Project (Integrated System of Public Relations Offices of Environmental Agencies) on April 29, 2021, the webinar on "FOIA and environmental information" was held, organized by the DG-QMS Service - Office Public Relations - in collaboration with the FOIA Competence Center of the Department of Public Administration and with the technical-operational support of FORMEZ PA

Endemics and rare species in Tuscany: birds

May 08, 2021 from 05:00 PM to 08:00 PM Online event,
With its enormous geographical and environmental diversity (from the islands of the Tuscan Archipelago to the coastal wetlands, from the hilly woods to the agroecosystems and waterways of the interior, up to the beech forests of the Amiata and the Apennines), Tuscany is a heritage of biodiversity.

Questionnaire on the prevention measures implemented by the municipalities

The  National program for waste prevention(PNPR) identifies some indicators to monitoring the measures implemented by the municipalities to promote the prevention of waste production. The program establishes that the Ministry of Ecological Transition will have the support of ISPRA for the purpose of collecting, processing and populating the indicators.

Biodiversity: future perspectives

May 12, 2021 from 05:00 PM to 06:00 PM Online event,
"Words for the future" is a series of on-line events organized by the Treccani Cultura Foundation in which will be faced through a selection of words taken from the X Appendix of the Italian Encyclopedia: Environment, Freedom, Biodiversity, Scientific Communication, Family, Body , New Humanism, Europe, Work, Contagion, Culture, School, Education, Silence.

Environmental Data Yearbook 2020

Waiting to know the effects of the pandemic on the environment in 2020 with the ISPRA Environmental Data Yearbook, which will be presented next autumn, let's "recap" the environment in 2019. Data on the main environmental issues are available online: quality of air, climate, biodiversity, sea, waste in the publication  Yearbook in figures and Environmental indicators database

Word Migratory Bird Day

The World Migratory Bird Day  a global campaign which aims to raise awareness of migratory birds and the need for international cooperation to conserve them. This year’s theme “Sing, Fly, Soar – Like A Bird!” focuses on the phenomena of “bird song” and “bird flight” as a way to inspire and connect people of all ages around the globe in their shared desire to protect and celebrate migratory birds. The day also serves as a reminder that migratory birds are in serious decline, and need international action to ensure their survival.

Strategic structures and safety for the environment

May 20, 2021 from 02:00 PM to 05:00 PM
Strategic infrastructures must meet environmental control safety parameters. The day, organized by Canale Energia, will illustrate a picture of current jurisprudence and the event will end with a round table between the various players in infrastructure and environmental controls such as: Assocostieri, Unem, ISPRA. An ISPRA expert is partipating at the event. Further information and registration

Regional Meeting Italy Switzerland EcoAlpsWater project

May 19, 2021 from 01:50 PM to 05:30 PM Online event,
The Italy-Switzerland Regional Meeting of the EcoAlpsWater project will be held on 19 May. The results of the biomonitoring of lakes and rivers obtained through the application of high throughput sequencing (HTS) methods in the Alpine Space and the experimentation activities carried out in the Extra-Alpine area will be presented.

The climate is changing! Local adaptions experiences

May 12, 2021 from 09:30 AM to 01:30 PM Online event,
The Italian conferences of project Adriadapt  the  will present the local experiences after 2 years of works on the urban adaptions and of the knowledge to lead the Municipalities of the Adriatic area in the definition and implementation of resilience plans. The event is an opportunity to think about the different experiences and aims to launch a debate with the delegates of national and regional authorities and on the potential tool to support the local adaption. 

Roma Science Van 2021

May 14, 2021 03:30 PM to May 16, 2021 07:00 PM Roma, Piazza San Giovanni Bosco,
Roma Science Van is an event of scientific divulgation that includes experiments, games and exhibitions for all the people.

GRRINPORT - Port sludge and sediment and management: critical issues and possible solutions

May 14, 2021 from 11:00 AM to 01:00 PM Online event,
The  project  GRRinPORT  starts at the conclusion and in preparation for the final conference in July, launches a cycle of three talk shows. The events, called #PORTIPULITI and organized by the Mediterranean Sea and Coast Foundation (MEDSEA), aim to disseminate the solutions developed within the GRRinPORT project to counteract the environmental impacts on the sea of ​​port activities.

Target 30% by 2030: healthy ecosystem for the Planet

May 12, 2021 from 05:00 PM to 07:30 PM Online event,
How can we commit ourselves to obtain more protected areas and more protection of biodiversity? Starting from the state of arts of the nature in the World, EU and  Italy, Legambiente will organize a meeting to debate the contribution that Italy can produce to the achievement of the global objectives of the decade 2020/2030 which aims to place at least  under protection 30% of the surface areas and oceans of the world.

Italian technological innovation in anti-seismic construction

May 18, 2021 from 10:00 AM to 01:00 PM Online event,
Focus on ongoing post-earthquake reconstruction Earth Tech Expo will be held in Florence from 13 to 16 October 2021. The first Expo of the "digital and ecological transition" to expose the Italian technological leadership with exhibitions, conferences, presentations, links, all the news from the Italian Space Agency, research bodies, universities, companies and companies, spin offs, start-ups, regions and local authorities in all sectors.

Available online the ISPRA Report "Efficiency and decarbonization indicators in Italian energy and power sector"

Analysis of the trend of national energy consumption: in almost 15 years reduced by 17.4%. Energy production from renewable sources from 16% to 39.5%.   Increase in energy and economic efficiency and progressive decarbonisation of the national economy; the significant contraction in GDP and the increase in the share of energy consumption from renewable sources since 2007 have resulted in a significant reduction in greenhouse gas emissions.