Istituto Superiore per la Protezione
e la Ricerca Ambientale


"The sea you don't expect", "What happens over there?"

Last 19 July started the  ISPRA's dissemination campaign to tell about the specific activities developed by its researchers, in compliance with the shared programs in Europe, both through observation and monitoring of marine environments, and in the field of laboratory research.
The third iniative is dedicated to  Ecological beach and Citizen Science.
The ECOLOGICAL BEACH model has been developed to improve the perception of citizens and favor a more sustainable management of banquettes and posidonia deposits. It is a model that includes the implementation of the regulatory framework, the monitoring of stranding, also through the active participation of citizens and proposals for alternative management of accumulations where there is an objective incompatibility with bathing use. The most important and delicate aspect of this model consists of training and dissemination activities.