Istituto Superiore per la Protezione
e la Ricerca Ambientale


A geological itinerary on the superficial faulting of the 2016 earthquakes along the Monte Vettore - Monte Bove fault: a geosite to be enhanced and preserved

ISPRA and Monti Sibillini National Park have organized a geological itinerary on the evidence of reactivation up to the surface of the Monte Vettore-Monte Bove fault from which the seismic sequence that hit Central Italy in 2016 originated.

These evidences were formed on the occasion of the two main events of the seismic sequence (24 August, Mw = 6.0 and 30 October, Mw = 6.5) producing dislocations up to 2 meters for a total length of about 30 km. After 5 years, these evidences are still clearly recognizable on the ground and represent a geosite of great importance, to be enhanced and preserved.

The itinerary consists of 12 observation points which, through information panels, describe what is visible on the ground. Some are located near the road while others can be reached with short walks in the Park area.

This initiative intends not only to preserve the memory of the earthquake but also to increase awareness of the natural risks to which the Park territory is exposed.