Istituto Superiore per la Protezione
e la Ricerca Ambientale


IPBES: launch of a revision of the draft document: "Scoping report for the business and biodiversity assessment"

The IPBES (Intergovernmental Science-Policy Plaftorm on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services) has announced the launch of a revision of the draft document: "Scoping report for the business and biodiversity assessment". The final report intends to define the methods for evaluating and classifying the ways in which companies depend on biodiversity and impact on it and the contributions of nature to people and businesses themselves.

To participate as revisor it is necessary to follow the steps: 

1) To register as a user on the web site IPBES (;

2) Register to review the draft evaluation on:;

3) Once registered, IPBES will send an e-mail providing confidential access to the draft evaluation


References of the National Focal Points:

Lorenzo Ciccarese,

Valeria Giovannelli,

Leonardo Tunesi,