Istituto Superiore per la Protezione
e la Ricerca Ambientale


Framework agreement on environmental protection signed between ISPRA and Italian Defence Staff

A five-year Framework Agreement was signed today by the President of ISPRA Prefect Stefano Laporta and by the Chief of Defense Staff Admiral Giuseppe Cavo Dragone to encourage collaboration between the two entities in the planning and implementation of activities. of common interest on Environmental Sustainability, for the adoption of a strategy for the implementation of the actions necessary for an effective and efficient use of resources, within the scope of their respective competences.

Among the strategic areas provided for by the Agreement: protection of the soil, air and the marine, coastal and lake environment; nature protection; technical-scientific support for the safety of potentially contaminated sites and preparation of environmental monitoring protocols at the military ranges of the Armed Forces; hazardous waste management; activities concerning military areas falling within urban regeneration interventions, in the sites of the Natura 2000 network; definition of monitoring programs for marine habitats in sensitive areas identified by EU directives; exchange of information and updating of the respective databases for the creation of nautical and thematic digital cartography; environmental monitoring and control with innovative aerial observation techniques, also with remotely piloted aircraft, and satellite remote sensing.

Rome, 13 december 2021
