Istituto Superiore per la Protezione
e la Ricerca Ambientale


Bonelli's eagle in Sardegna, last specimens arriving

In September the concluion of the project
The arrival in Sardegna of the last group of Bonelli's eagles is expected in May 2022 thanks to the AQUILAaLIFE project. This year the release area will be in the municipality of Montresta in the province of Oristano, where a special large aviary is ready. As in previous years, the chicks will be constantly monitored and "trained" for life in the wild during the period they spend inside the aviary before being released. Once released, they will be monitored thanks to special GPS transmitters, so that they can intervene in case of need and at the same time better identify the habitats and sites suitable for this species in Sardegna.

From 2018 to today, the European project for the reintroduction of Bonelli's Eagle in Sardinia has completed the release in the wild of 25 specimens. Of these, 11 are with certainty still alive, of 4 have been lost, and the others have unfortunately died.
Despite the difficulties, this is a significant result, which has once again led specimens of an extinct species to repopulate the skies of the island.
The constant monitoring of the movements of the eagles has made it possible to better understand their behavior and their habits, helping to improve knowledge about the biology and ecology of this species in Sardegna. In the animated images, some of the most spectacular movements that could be observed over the course of these four years and the movements of most of the animals followed during 2021.
