Istituto Superiore per la Protezione
e la Ricerca Ambientale



Going to the sea, knowing in order not to risk

Sep 23, 2022 from 09:30 AM to 01:00 PM Genova,
The final event of the GIAS Project is held in Genoa on 23 September. The fundamental objective of the project is to help minimize the risk of collision between boats (both due to weather-induced phenomena, and to the presence of large obstacles in the sea) and to increase awareness of the risk on the part of sea users, also by promoting a better emergency management in the event of an accident.

Zero Emission Mediterranean 2022

Oct 12, 2022 to Oct 14, 2022 Rome,
Zero Emission Mediterranean 2022 is an international event reserved for professional operators, where the themes of electricity from the sun, wind and other renewables, and related production and application technologies will be the theme of the event, which will involve the main national and international stakeholders .

The management of odorous impacts - School odors 2022

Oct 04, 2022 to Oct 13, 2022 Webinar,
The initiative is organized by Rse (Research on the Energy System) and the National System for the Protection of the Environment (SNPA), in collaboration with Uni, Accredia and Unichim and resumes the experiences and the path started in the past aimed at increasing knowledge in the management of odorous impacts. The program includes 4 sessions, on the dates of 4-6-11-13 October, of which 3 are open to all the public and the last one is aimed exclusively at members of the SNPA system and the Public Administration.

ISPRA program of environmental education and sustainability initiatives A.S. 2022/2023

The ISPRA program of environmental education and sustainability initiatives for the school year has been published 2022/2023, aimed at schools of all types and levels, with which ISPRA intends to contribute to the development in the younger generations of conscious attitudes and responsible behavior, inspired by knowledge and respect for the environment. The Program is recognized by the Ministry of Education as a contribution to the implementation of the National School ReGeneration Plan.

Monitoring and biodiversity in the city. Let's explore the Natura 2000 network in Villa Borghese with Citizen Science Trekking and cycle tour - 19 November 2022

Nov 19, 2022 from 10:00 AM to 12:30 PM Rome, Fontana del Mosè salvato dalle acque, Villa Borghese,
ISPRA's National Biodiversity Network is a partner of the 2022 Urban Nature edition, the initiative promoted by the WWF that intends to involve the best existing energies at national and local level committed to promoting and managing urban biodiversity. Several events scheduled from 8 to 9 October 2022 organized in various Italian cities by the partners participating in the initiative - the " Friends of Urban Nature " - including ISPRA.

Seen from the North. A historical-cultural and environmental vision of the Mediterranean seen from Venice

Sep 24, 2022 from 04:00 PM to 06:00 PM Venice, Sala Capitolare della Scuola Grande San Teodoro,
Since May of this year, the Mediterranea boat has sailed in the sea of ​​Sicily and along the Ionian coast of Calabria and Puglia to then go up the entire Adriatic and is about to reach Venice. On the occasion of the Venetian port of call, Project Mediterranea organized a Round Table on the Mediterranean inviting prestigious guests from the culture and history of Venice and the scientific world dedicated to the sea.

Relationship between remediation and containment of land consumption in the context of urban regeneration

Oct 18, 2022 from 09:00 AM to 01:00 PM Brescia/Online,
In line with its aims and in continuity with the study of reclamation as a function of the remediation and recovery of degraded areas and contaminated sites, the Research Center for Environmental Remediation and Recovery of degraded areas and contaminated sites pays particular attention to the analysis how the reclamations themselves relate, in regulatory and technical terms, with the issues of containing land consumption and urban regeneration.

Report on climate impacts in the Mediterranean area

Oct 05, 2022 to Oct 08, 2022 Florence, Fortezza da Basso,
From 5 to 8 October, Earth Technology Expo will host the Euro-Mediterranean Conference which will involve scientists, experts, political decision-makers, national and international associations and organizations, and all the civil protection structures of the countries bordering the Mare Nostrum. The event will focus on the presentation of the First Scientific Report on short and long-term climate impacts in the Mediterranean area

Earth Technology Expo 2022

Oct 05, 2022 to Oct 08, 2022 Florence, Fortezza da Basso,
Earth Technology Expo is the first and most complete exhibition of the technological applications and innovation envisaged and present in the guidelines of the Next Generation EU. Personalities and experts will present innovative models and technologies, control and management systems and the entire range of tools already operational and available, from satellite ones to the latest generation sensors, to warning systems and civil protection. Program

Ecosystem monitoring: a new generation of biodiversity indicators

Oct 03, 2022 from 10:00 AM to 02:00 PM Matera,
On 3 October the seminar "Monitoring ecosystems: a new generation of indicators for biodiversity" will be held in Matera, at the ARPA Basilicata headquarters. The meeting was attended by operators in the protection of habitats and species to share experiences, procedures and projects for monitoring biodiversity and evaluating terrestrial ecosystems. During the seminar ARPA Basilicata and ISPRA will present some activities on the monitoring of biodiversity in Val d'Agri and the methodologies used for the assessment of ecosystems. In addition, some tools developed by ISPRA and ARPAB for the standardization of the acquisition, archiving and processing of data on ecosystems will be shared.

Mobilitaria 2022. Towards a zero-emission city. Urban Plans for Sustainable Mobility of Metropolitan Cities

Oct 05, 2022 from 03:00 PM to 05:00 PM Florence, Fortezza da Basso,
On 5 October, as part of the ExpoMove 2022 event, the conference "Mobilitaria 2022. Towards a zero-emission city. Comparison of the SUMPs of metropolitan cities" is held. The SUMPs are the planning tool that administrations have at their disposal to operate in this logic. Scholars, researchers and administrators will discuss these issues by sharing knowledge and perspectives in view of a goal of 2030.

Climate change: new transoceanic route for marine fish

For over 150 years, Indo-Pacific fish species have colonized the Mediterranean entering the Suez Canal. Research coordinated by Cnr-Irbim indicates the possibility that the phenomenon extends towards the Atlantic Ocean due to climate change. The work was recently published in Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment

Sustainability in the recovery of biological sludge in agriculture

Oct 14, 2022 from 09:00 AM to 01:00 PM Milano,
The conference "Sustainability in the recovery of biological sludge in agriculture" will be held on 14 October in Milan. Among the most significant issues are those of (Bio) Circular Economy: essential contribution to soil fertility and food security and Research and Innovation: tools for environmental and health sustainability.

Press conference for the presentation of 'Mare Climaticum Nostrum'

Sep 27, 2022 from 12:00 PM to 01:00 PM Rome,
The press conference for the presentation of 'Mare Climaticum Nostrum', the EuroMediterranean Conference on climate change, water, energy and management of risks and emergencies, takes place today at 12  at the headquarters of the Civil Protection in Rome. held in Florence from 5 to 8 October as part of the Earth Technology Expo event.

First International Day of Geodiversity

Oct 06, 2022 from 09:30 AM to 02:00 PM Sapienza Università of Rome - Piazzale Aldo Moro,
The 41st session of the UNESCO General Conference has identified 6 October as the date to annually celebrate the International Day of Geodiversity worldwide. The purpose of this Day is to raise awareness in society of the importance that "non-living" nature has for the well-being and prosperity of all living beings on the planet. To celebrate the first day, the Italian Society of Environmental Geology, ISPRA and the Order of Geologists of Lazio is organizing a conference in Rome. The day will be divided into three sessions: Geodiversity and geological heritage; Geodiversity, opportunities and problems; Geodiversity and culture. At the end, the awards ceremony of the photo contest "Discover and photograph the geosites of the Italian regions" is scheduled.

Soil health and human well-being

Oct 04, 2022 from 09:30 AM to 01:00 PM L'Aquila/Online,
As part of the 2022 Sustainable Development Festival, the conference "Soil health and human well-being" will be held in L'Aquila on 4 October. An ISPRA researcher will present the national report “Land consumption, territorial dynamics and ecosystem services. Edition 2022 "of the National System for Environmental Protection.

ISPRA participates with side-event in the Ninth Environment for Europe Ministerial Conference of UNECE

Oct 06, 2022 from 12:10 PM to 01:40 PM Nicosia,
ISPRA as chair of the Interest Group Environment and Tourism (IGET) of the EPA Network participates in the Ninth Environment for Europe Ministerial Conference of UNECE with the organization of a side event entitled "EUROPEAN SUSTAINABLE TOURISM AND CIRCULAR ECONOMY: Shifting tourism towards circular economy models (6 October Nicosia, CYPRUS).