Istituto Superiore per la Protezione
e la Ricerca Ambientale


Exercise in Calabria for tsunami risk management

ISPRA experts were invited to contribute, with their technical-scientific knowledge, to the two days of work that took place in the Municipality of Bagnara Calabra, as part of the EXE Sisma dello Stretto exercise, organized to deepen the theme of tsunami alert and the necessary management and mitigation measures for this natural risk.

For some years our country has equipped itself with the National Tsunami Warning System (SiAM) which is implemented by the Department of Protection with the technical-scientific and operational support of INGV and ISPRA. Thanks to its tidal network and the new tide gauges installed in some regions of Southern Italy, ISPRA is able to detect sea level rise in real time and alert other public bodies responsible for civil defense measures.
These meetings with the local authorities and the citizens of the coastal cities of the southern regions at risk of tsunamis aim to inform and sensitize those responsible for public management and the population itself on the behaviors to be adopted in the event of a tsunami alert following seismic events.
These exercises to become a "Tsunami Ready" community are carried out in all areas of the world at risk of such phenomena, on the initiative of the Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission of UNESCO.