Istituto Superiore per la Protezione
e la Ricerca Ambientale


Publication of RETICULA n. 30/2022

The number 30 of RETICULA technical journal is now available online.

This issue hosts articles presenting both the activities of the LIFE NewLife4Drayland project, which aims to develop a model for monitoring, in the medium and long term through remote sensing techniques, the degradation conditions of soils affected by NBS, and of LIFE Coornata project and several activities carried out by some Parks in central Italy for the purpose of protecting the Apennine chamois.

In addition, there is a description of the activities that have concerned the management of botanical-vegetation and landscape components affected by the TAP pipeline, as well as a reflection on river continuity as an essential condition for rebalancing the fish community, and for the conservation of Sturgeon cobia and Eel and for the return of the Sturgeon ladan in the Ticino Park.

Finally, Domenico Nicoletti's editorial presents a reflection on the prospects of making SYSTEM of Italian Protected Areas.

The News section contains many useful information reported by users of the journal and by the Editorial Committee.


Reticula n.30/2022