Istituto Superiore per la Protezione
e la Ricerca Ambientale



Value Nature. The role of Protected Areas for the protection and enhancement of Italy

Jan 12, 2023 from 09:15 AM to 05:30 PM Rome/Streaming live,
Marevivo and WWF Italia are organizing the conference on the role of Protected Areas for the protection and enhancement of Italy on 12 January. The title of the meeting is in itself significant: our system of Marine Protected Areas and the Natura 2000 network at sea, fragmented and undervalued, is oppressed by management problems that have not been resolved for too long. The ISPRA president, Stefano Laporta will participate in the session dedicated to Marine Protected Areas. Program Live streaming

Fauna in the city: old and new relationships between humans and animals

Feb 04, 2023 from 09:30 AM to 05:00 PM
In Spoleto from 3 to 5 February 2023 Fauna 2023, the event dedicated to the environment will be held, now in its fifth edition. The program includes educational and excursion activities, guided tours to discover the Umbrian wildlife, and the conference "Fauna in the city: old and new relationships between men and animals" is scheduled for February 4th.

Biodiversity: let's make a difference day by day

Jan 24, 2023 from 05:00 PM to 06:30 PM Webinar,
G-Lab of the Golinelli Foundation for Eduiren organizes a cycle of webinars aimed at teachers and educators to explore issues related to the ecological transition and to promote good sustainable practices

Wildlife and territories: understand and manage

Jan 13, 2023 from 09:30 AM to 01:00 PM Viterbo,
The conference aims to explore a series of topics related to the management of wild boar in Italy, also with reference to the role played by wildlife-hunting companies. The cognitive framework on the presence of wild boar in Italy in the period 2015-2022 will be presented by ISPRA. Some interventions on sustainable, environmental and economic practices will follow

Publication of RETICULA n. 31/2022

The number 31 of RETICULA technical journal is now available online. After 30 years from the enactment of the Habitats Directive (Dir. 92/43/EEC), 20 years from the publication of the guidelines Management of functional ecological connection areas for the construction of ecological networks at the local scale, as well as 10 years from the publication of the first issue of the journal RETICULA, this monographic issue represents a moment of stocktaking, not exhaustive, on initiatives implemented on the theme of connectivity in Italy as well as it wants to be a reflection on the prospects and actions to be put in place, also in order to achieve the objectives that the draft National Strategy for Biodiversity has set. Reticula n. 31/2022

Montreal COP15: a turning point in biodiversity policies?

Jan 19, 2023 from 05:00 PM to 07:00 PM Padova/Streaming live,
Organized by the University Forestry Students Association of Padua APS and with the patronage of the TESAF Department of the University of Padua, the seminar will talk about the objectives and challenges set through the agreement reached during the fifteenth Convention on biodiversity COP15 in Montreal

Climate: the challenge of adaptation in the city of Rome

Jan 18, 2023 from 09:30 AM to 01:30 PM Rome,
First appointment towards the Adaptation Plan of the Municipality of Rome The Municipality of Rome is among the most affected in Italy by meteorological-hydrogeological events, which follow each other with greater intensity and frequency. One of the critical issues concerns the lack of rain absorption, in areas at hydrogeological risk and with inadequate sewage systems. Among the major consequences is the blockage and limitations of public transport, starting with the underground network. The Capital, in 2017 and during 2022, found itself having to deal with an emergency of enormous significance and of a diametrically opposite sign such as drought.

Mediterranean project and ISPRA, plastic represents 65% of floating waste in the sea

Available the new results on the presence of floating waste in the sea that emerge from the collaboration between Associazione Progetto Mediterranea and ISPRA in the context of the "Floating Litter", an Advanced Citizen Science project to study sea pollution. The Mediterranea ship sailed between May and September 2022 in the Strait of Sicily, the Gulf of Taranto and along the Adriatic coast as far as Venice. During the route, the crew made a series of sightings of floating waste as part of the observation and documentation program established with researchers from ISPRA and the Ministry of the Environment.

Kick-off meeting of the projet LIFE-2021-SAP-NAT-NATURE TURTLENEST

Jan 20, 2023 Rome,
The Kick-off meeting of the LIFE-2021-SAP-NAT-NATURE TURTLENEST project will be held on January 20 in Rome, at the Legambiente headquarters. The aim of the project is the conservation of Caretta caretta, in the western Mediterranean basin, from threats related to human disturbance in the nesting sites. Through a multidisciplinary approach, the project intends to improve the conservation status of Caretta caretta, thanks to the establishment of an international network, through the use of the best shared techniques and the use of a monitoring system

Resilient management of coasts, ports and shipping

Jan 26, 2023 from 09:30 AM to 06:00 PM Rome,
The workshop will be a moment of in-depth analysis on the needs of port operators regarding the resilient management of activities in the scenario conditioned by the current climate changes and the potential offered by observation systems on the state of the sea (in situ and remotely) and their integration with predictive modeling tools

Preliminary assessment of the climate state for the year 2022

On the web site  the preliminary assessment of the state of the climate for the year that has just ended is available, with a summary of the main elements that characterized the course of 2022. In particular, the average trend of the temperature and precipitation parameters on a national scale is described and compared with that of past years. The validated trend estimates and the complete analysis of the climate indicators and indices will be published in July 2023 in the SNPA annual report "Climate indicators in Italy"

Tenth Anniversary of the History of Geosciences Section of the Italian Geological Society

Jan 26, 2023 to Jan 27, 2023 Bologna,
Italy is considered one of the founding countries of modern geology thanks to the work of excellent geoscientists who have contributed to the development of scientific thought. After the unification of the Kingdom, many of these were called to hold public offices due to both patriotic virtues and technical skills. The recovery of the roots is a fundamental basis on which the Italian geological community can found a renewal of the propulsive role it has played in the history of the nation.

ISPRA for transparency and sustainable finance against Greenwashing

Institute task force set up to support financial operators, supervisory authorities and companies A new challenge for ISPRA: sustainable finance. The fight against climate change and the objectives of the Green Deal will also be achieved through sustainable investments; this is the role of sustainable finance, the application of the concept of sustainable development to financial activity, which has the objective of directing private capital towards activities that generate economic value but which do not burden the environment.

ISPRA President and Dg visiting the headquarters of Ozzano nell'Emilia

The ISPRA President Stefano Laporta and the General Director Maria Siclari today have met the staff and visited the ISPRA headquarters in Ozzano in Emilia, the modern and increasingly digital laboratory structures and infrastructures. Studies on biodiversity and fauna conservation at the center of the activity, of strategic importance also in the context of the PNRR.

Natural trajectories

Feb 23, 2023 from 05:45 PM to 07:00 PM Webinar,
Dynamic balances in ecosystems and their alterations As part of Science Thursday - Science live week by week on February 23, an ISPRA researcher will participate in the "Natural trajectories" webinar. The protection of biodiversity should not be understood as a static conservation of an immutable environment, but as a safeguard of natural evolutionary trajectories. Ecosystems live in a dynamic equilibrium, in which disturbances and related adaptations are the norm. The effects of a storm or a forest fire are easily reabsorbed if the episodes occur with a frequency and intensity compatible with the characteristics of the ecosystem.

Campaign citizen science of Conceptu Maris

It is officially started the citizen science campaign of the  Progetto Conceptu Maris , important activity that will allow people who love nature to give a relevant contribution to the protection of marine turtles and cetaceans.  In order to know what are the necessary requisites to board the ferries together with Conceptu Maris biologists and participate in animal monitoring, visit the dedicated page on the project website and discover the 16 routes available throughout the Mediterranean basin. Your participation will be valuable for you and the environment

A step forward, present and future of Italian women geologists

Feb 11, 2023 from 09:30 AM to 04:30 PM Rome, Università Roma Tre,
On the occasion of the International Day of Women and Girls in Science, on 11 February 2023, the Equity, Diversity, Inclusion Division - Pangea - of the Italian Geological Society organizes a face-to-face and online workshop in Rome entitled: "One step forward, present and future of Italian women geologists".

Path to a Just Transition Innovation and Internazional Cooperation

Feb 02, 2023 to Feb 03, 2023
V edition of the International Sustainability Forum We cannot afford the costs of a messy and unjust transition. Similarly, we cannot afford the current trend of growth in climate-changing gas emissions. So the transition is more necessary than ever. But what is the 'Just Transition'? If, how much and, above all, how are we going or should we go in this direction? This is the question at the basis of the next International Sustainability Forum organized by Fortune Italia which will take place after the conclusion of COP27 in Egypt.

Climate change in cities and the role of urban planning and natural based solution

Feb 01, 2023 from 03:00 PM to 06:00 PM Ferrara,
The Municipality of Ferrara will host the first cycle of meetings of the  European Usage project , on the fight against climate change. Three days of meetings, from 31 January to 2 February 2023, in which project partners and stakeholders (public administrations, experts and researchers, associations, companies) will meet to discuss urban heat islands, rainfall, air quality , biodiversity, data to be collected and exchanged to improve environmental policies at urban level.