Istituto Superiore per la Protezione
e la Ricerca Ambientale



Earthquake event in Turkey, February 6, 2023

An earthquake of magnitude M 7.9 was localized at 02:17 Italian time on 6 February 2023 in the south-eastern part of Turkey, on the border with Syria. The earthquake had a hypocenter about 20 km deep and was strongly felt throughout the southern area of ​​Turkey and also in Syria. Due to the high magnitude and relative proximity to the sea, the Tsunami Alert Center-INGV had issued a tsunami alert for the Mediterranean, the alert returned at 7.15 am Italian time. ISPRA has the task of providing real-time sea level data detected by the tide gauge network  to the INGV Tsunami Warning Centre, which verifies the possibility that a specific seismic event with an epicenter in the sea, or near areas coasts, can generate a tsunami, estimating the arrival times of the waves and the potentially affected coastal stretches. INGV avails itself of the collaboration of ISPRA for the confirmation of a possible tsunami and rapidly informs the DPC which is responsible for launching the alert throughout the national territory, mobilizing all the components of the civil protection system.

Parks as a management tool for wetlands protected by the RAMSAR Convention

Feb 03, 2023 from 03:00 PM to 05:30 PM Natural Park Molentargius Saline,
On the anniversary of the RAMSAR treaty (of 1971) of February 2, which is celebrated every year all over the world with the World Wetlands Day, Sardinia organizes numerous events throughout the island. Sardinia, with currently 9 RAMSAR areas of international importance out of 57 areas identified in Italy and as much as 17% of the total national area, is one of the regions with the greatest quantity and extension of these important basins, mostly coastal, including the last born at the mouth of the Rio Posada.

Choosing how to measure sustainability

Guidelines for an informed choice of methods for measuring corporate sustainability In the last thirty years, the theme of sustainability and holistic models for measuring the performance of organizations have been at the center of the research and promotion of virtuous management systems by the University Consortium in Engineering for Quality and Innovation , for short QUINN (formerly Qualital). The guidelines are a new element to support businesses, especially SMEs, in the process of improving their competitiveness. In the development of this research, ISPRA was involved with a leading role with which the QUINN university consortium has had a collaboration protocol in the field of research and training for years.

Climate change: soil and urban regeneration

Feb 23, 2023 from 09:00 AM to 05:00 PM
Combating soil consumption remains a central objective for the fight against climate change. From this point of view, urban regeneration assumes a fundamental role as the only alternative to the model of expansive urban planning, whose disastrous effects, due to the loss of ecosystem services provided by the precious resource "soil", are made evident by increasingly frequent extreme climatic events. Regeneration can contribute through a network of skills and relationships between local realities to contrast the social, economic and demographic fragility of metropolitan areas.

World Wetlands Day: LIFE Streams Project

On the occasion of World Wetlands Day, ISPRA is presenting the LIFE Streams project whose main objective is the recovery and conservation of the native Mediterranean trout (Salmo cettii) through the planning and application of a series of coordinated actions leading to a valid for the entire species.

Study day on the quality of pollen data

Feb 15, 2023 from 09:00 AM to 06:00 PM Padova, Orto Botanico,
The meeting, aimed at sector technicians, concludes the interlaboratory test on airborne pollen and fungal spores which took place in 2022, in collaboration between Arpa Veneto and Arpa Friuli Venezia Giulia, The purpose of the work was to ascertain the preparation of the individual operators, to discuss each other to ensure ever greater uniformity and quality of the data that are published weekly

Waste management, circular economy and PNRR: the new challenges and the impact for Municipalities

Feb 14, 2023 from 09:30 AM to 05:00 PM Rome,
The event aims to stimulate the comparison between the different waste management models both with respect to innovation and efficiency and with respect to the need to verify the impact for the Municipalities. During the meeting, good practices and future prospects within the European strategy for the circular economy will be illustrated

Award for the ISPRA video 'What flows under our feet? - Monitoring of Rome's groundwater"

Feb 15, 2023 from 01:50 PM to 06:30 PM Padova,
On 15 February, as part of the seminar The design of water wells - Water resources: is availability changing? A comparison between universities, designers and companies”, which will be held at the Department of Geosciences of the University of Padua, the video produced by ISPRA "What flows under our feet? - The monitoring activities of Rome's groundwater" will receive an acknowledgment in the Out of Competition section of the XVIII edition “Elio Botti – Come Acqua Saliente” Award.

Approved the 5th Report on the State of Natural Capital

The 5th Report on the State of Natural Capital has been definitively approved, the first since the protection of the environment, biodiversity and ecosystems entered the Constitution. The document, sent by the Ministry of the Environment and Energy Security and to the Prime Minister and the Minister of the Economy, provides elements to be considered in the implementation of the Plan for the Ecological Transition, the National Strategy for Biodiversity 2030, the National Plan Recovery and Resilience and in the governance action of the National Strategy for Sustainable Development.

World Wetlands Day

Feb 02, 2023
World Wetlands Day is celebrated on 2 February each year to raise awareness of the important role these areas play for people and our planet. Wetlands, such as lagoons, are among the most productive environments in the world, characterized by a high biological diversity.

International day of women and girls in science

Feb 11, 2023 from 04:30 PM to 06:00 PM Osservatorio astronomico di Roma, via Frascati 33 Monte Porzio Catone (RM),
Saturday 11 February, on the occasion of the International Day of Women and Girls in Science, the event "Yes, I am a scientist!" will be held at the INAF headquarters - Astronomical Observatory of Rome. ISPRA participates in the initiative with the conference show of scientific dissemination "Hypatia, Galileo and the mother yeast".

Documentary LIFE Falkon project

The lesser kestrel (Falco naumanni ) is a small diurnal raptor of conservation priority at European level, whose populations are concentrated in the Mediterranean area. The species has undergone a consistent numerical decline during the 20th century. Currently, it shows an increasing trend, also thanks to the contribution of numerous LIFE projects dedicated to it.  The project LIFE FALKON will provide increased nesting opportunities, including nest boxes and towers, promote favourable rural development and building renovation practices, and establish a network of conservationists focused on populations crucial for the species’ northward breeding expansion. ISPRA is partner of the project.

National Food Waste Prevention Day

Feb 05, 2023
The 10th National Food Waste Prevention Day is projected towards the ever closer goal of the sustainability goals set by the United Nations Agenda. It will be an edition to raise awareness in society, from institutions to companies, from schools to citizens, on the implications between food waste and environmental impact. Discover the best food waste awareness and prevention projects on  Facciamo Circolare.

CITES - Manual for biological sampling

On the ISPRA web site is available the first manual concerning Sampling manual of biological samples for genetic analyses on species concerning the Washington convention (CITES) The manual was created thank to from the collaboration between ISPRA and the Carabinieri Forestali as part of a school-work alternation project and the ISPRA-MASE agreement for genetic analyzes in support of the Washington Convention.

Nature and fun: health for everyone, without exception

Feb 22, 2023 from 01:00 PM to 04:00 PM
New inclusive proposals for city parks The role of plants in people's health and well-being is also recognized by the scientific community. As part of the Myplant&Garden fair, which will take place in Milan from 22 to 24 February, the conference entitled "Nature and fun: health for all, no one excluded" will be held in which stakeholders from the world of business, knowledge, institutions will take part and from local politics to take stock of the green spaces in our cities.

Urban ecosystem and sustainable development goals

Feb 21, 2023 from 10:30 AM to 12:30 PM Webinar,
Thematic insight into the UN sustainability goals Legambiente is organizing a webinar on 21 February  to analyze the sustainability objectives indicated by the UN. Furthermore, the Urban Ecosystem 2022 report dedicated to the comparison of the UN Sustainable Development Goals will be presented.

Climate risk in North-Eastern Italy and adaptation initiatives in urban and agricultural areas

Mar 22, 2023 from 09:00 AM to 02:00 PM Padova, Orto Botanico,
The study day will analyze two of the multiple factors that characterize climate risk in North-Eastern Italy, particularly in the Veneto and Friuli Venezia Giulia Regions, consisting of urban risk and agricultural risk. Both of these risk factors are linked to increases in temperature, variations in precipitation and greater duration and frequency of extreme climatic phenomena.

Regional States of Waste in Puglia

Mar 15, 2023 from 10:30 AM to 01:30 PM Bari,
On 15 March in Bari, institutional representatives of Apulian civil society and entrepreneurship will discuss the autonomy of the Puglia Region in terms of waste management. The conference will be an opportunity to learn about the state of the regional plan and the plant and infrastructure deficiencies to which answers will need to be found quickly.