Istituto Superiore per la Protezione
e la Ricerca Ambientale



Bulletin on research funding

COP15: historical global deal for nature and people During the UN Biodiversity conference COP15 in Montréal, Canada, the EU joined 195 countries in the historic Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework. This framework contains global goals and targets aiming to protect and restore nature for current and future generations, ensure its sustainable use as well as spur investments for a green global economy. Together with the Paris Agreement on climate, it paves the way towards a climate-neutral, nature-positive and resilient world by 2050. The agreement is a solid framework with clear, measurable goals and targets, with complete monitoring, reporting, and review arrangements to track progress complemented by a robust resource mobilisation package.

UN 2023 Water Conference

Mar 22, 2023 to Mar 24, 2023
The second UN Conference on Wate r kicks off today in New York, co-organized by the Netherlands and Tajikistan with the United Nations. During the opening ceremony, UN Secretary General Guterres reiterated the risk to resources and ecosystems due to water scarcity. ISPRA is participating with the Italian delegation in the interactive dialogues on the theme of integration between States for the protection of water and ecosystems and for the mitigation of flood and drought risk in a constantly changing and evolving climate.

A new start for the End of Waste

Mar 31, 2023 from 09:30 AM to 04:30 PM Frascati,
During the study day, the opportunities for recovering bottom ash from the incineration of non-hazardous waste in accordance with the principles of the circular economy will be discussed. In particular, an assessment procedure of the environmental compatibility of products obtained from these residues will be illustrated, based on the study of the supply chain, from the bottom ash producer to the final product and its specific use. Studies and experiences on bottom ash recovery will also be presented.

Agroecology for the regeneration of agro-food systems within the strategies of the European Union

Mar 30, 2023 to Mar 31, 2023 Rome/Live streaming,
Agroecology is an important tool for the implementation of the European Union Green Deal, as outlined in the Farm to Fork and Biodiversity strategies, proposed by the EU Commission and approved by the European Parliament. Agroecology is part of the new Common Agricultural Policy 2023-2027 to promote sustainable practices in agriculture and is an essential tool for research and innovation in the agri-food sectors, with particular reference to climate change adaptation and mitigation and protection of biodiversity.

Let's circulate! Ideas and actions against food waste

Mar 25, 2023 from 01:00 PM to 02:00 PM Milano,
The " Do the right thing " fair takes place in Milan from 24 to 26 March, the aim of which is to raise awareness of "good practices" in consumption and production throughout the country and to promote excellence. The meeting "Let's circulate! Ideas and actions against food waste" is scheduled for 25 March in which the Let's circulate ! campaign will be presented! created by ISPRA in collaboration and with the funding of MIMIT - Ministry of Enterprise and Made in Italy.

World Water Day 2023

Mar 22, 2023
World Water Day 2023 will focus on accelerating change to solve the water and sanitation crisis. Issues across the water cycle undermine progress on every major global issue, from health to hunger, gender equality to jobs, education to industry, disasters to peace. In 2015, the world committed to achieving the 2030 Agenda's Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 6 – the pledge that everyone will have safe water and sanitation management by 2030. Currently, this goal will be hardly accomplished. The celebration of this World Water Day coincides with the start of the UN Water Conference 2023 (March 22-24, New York), the event is a unique opportunity to unite the world in order to solve the water crisis and sanitation, in the Italian delegation to the Conference there will also be a researcher from ISPRA. In the side event organized by FAO, the work on the "Italy" pilot case and the disaggregation of the SDG 6.4.2 indicator (Level of water stress: freshwater withdrawal as a percentage of available freshwater resources) at district scale will be presented hydrographic, work conducted by ISPRA in the context of a specific agreement with FAO, and with the support of Istat On 23 March ISPRA is organizing the conference " The silent revolution of water ", promoted as part of the WHOW project (Water Health Open knowledge), whose objective is the creation of a distributed European infrastructure capable of connecting environmental and health data.

International Day of Forests 2023

Mar 21, 2023
Tuesday 21 March is International Day of Forests 2023. Date established by the UN to raise awareness of the invaluable value of all types of forests and the dangers of deforestation.

ISPRA participates with Let's Circulate in the launch of the "Our Common Culture" project

Mar 29, 2023 from 06:30 PM Rome, Associazione Mitreo – Arte Contemporanea di Corviale, via Mazzacurati, 61,
The project on the culture of sustainability conceived by Udicon – Union for the Defense of Consumers – and implemented within the National Strategy for Sustainable Development of Ministry of the Environment and Energy Security will be presented next 29 march. ISPRA is the scientific partner of the project with the Let's Circulate campaign created in collaboration and with the funding of MIMIT - Ministry of Enterprises and Made in Italy. ISPRA is the scientific partner of the project with the Let's Circulate campaign realized in collaboration and with the funding of MIMIT - Ministry of Enterprises and Made in Italy.

Water and Climate. Climate change: drought and hydrogeological instability

Apr 14, 2023 from 09:15 AM to 11:30 AM Bergamo,
Organized by Uniacque, the new edition of WaterWeek (13-16 April) dedicated to the most precious of the planet's resources. The week dedicated to water was born with a twofold objective. On the one hand, to facilitate the debate between technicians, national players, companies in the water sector and administrators on the role of water. On the other, to bring citizens ever closer to the culture of water and its intelligent use, to be conserved with great care.

1st Workshop International RootS23 - "Soil-Plant-Atmosphere Interaction: mechanisms, processes and geotechnical engineering implications"

Apr 20, 2023 to Apr 21, 2023 Perugia,
The Workshop  will focus on the current state of knowledge and research concerning the topic of soil-vegetation-atmosphere interaction. This is a very broad and multidisciplinary research theme, spanning several scientific fields, each contributing to the investigation and modeling of specific aspects of the soil and plant behavior, under variable climatic conditions. The Workshop is mainly addressed to researchers in geotechnical engineering, but the participation of researchers working in other fields (e.g., foresters, agronomists, soil physicians, ecologists, ….) is very welcome and considered fruitful for a constructive contamination of knowledge.

Leena Ylä-Mononen will be the new Executive Director of the European Environment Agency

Congratulations to Leena Ylä-Mononen currently holding the position of Director General at the Finnish Ministry of the Environment for having been selected on 23 March as next Executive Director of the European Environment Agency by the Management Board. EEA is looking forward to working with the new Executive Director to further strengthen the role of EEA and its Eionet network in support of Europe’s environment and climate policies.  Leena Ylä-Mononen may be invited to provide a statement in front of the European Parliament’s ENVI Committee. The formal appointment will be made once the required formalities have been completed. EEA Executive Directors are appointed for five years, renewable once. After ten years of activity, the current Executive Director Hans Bruyninckx’s term will end on 31 May 2023.

Contrasting soil consumption

Mar 24, 2023 from 08:30 AM to 02:30 PM
Agri-environmental measures for the mitigation and adaptation to climate change When we talk about adaptation to climate change, we talk about how to reduce the negative effects by taking appropriate actions to prevent or minimize the damage they can cause. In this context it is important to enhance the role that agricultural and forestry activities can play in soil protection. As part of Aida2.0, the agricultural dissemination and information project, created for the Tuscany Region with the aim of giving a new response to the increasingly specialized needs of the agricultural and forestry world, there will be a seminar on land consumption.

National water availability. BIGBANG ISPRA: decreased by 20% in the last thirty years

The trend recorded in Italy in terms of availability of water resources is definitely a downward trend. In the last climatological thirty years 1991-2020, with a value that amounts to more than 440 mm, the availability of water decreases by 20% compared to the historical reference value of 550 mm., about 166 km3 recorded between 1921-1950. Long-term estimates (1951-2021) also show a significant reduction, around 16% less than the historical average annual value. This reduction, due to the impacts of climate change, can be attributed not only to the decrease in rainfall, but also to the increase in evaporation from bodies of water and transpiration from vegetation, due to the increase in temperatures.

46th meeting of the scientific groups of the London Convention and Protocol on the prevention of marine pollution by dumping of wastes and other matters from ships and aircraft

Mar 13, 2023 to Mar 17, 2023 Casablanca (Morocco),
From 13 to 17 March 2023 in Casablanca, hosted by the Ministry of Transport and Logistics of Morocco, delegates from 24 countries and 2 NGOs met for the 46th meeting of the "Scientific Groups" of the London Convention, 1972 and the 1996 Protocol on the prevention of marine pollution by dumping of wastes and other matters. The International Maritime Organization (IMO) of the United Nations, taking part at the meetings with the Secretariat of the Office for London Convention/Protocol & Ocean Affairs , is the body in charge of the application of these international treaties in countries which, like Italy, have incorporated the rules into their own regulations .

Presentation of the PNRR MER Project on the GEO television show

Mar 28, 2023
In the March 28 episode of Geo, the Director General of ISPRA, Maria Siclari, presented the PNRR MER (Marine Ecosystem Restoration) Project, the largest project on the sea within the National Recovery and Resilience Plan, which sees ISPRA as the implementing body and the Ministry for the Environment and Energy Security as administration holder of the loan of 400 million Euros for 2022-2026. The MER includes interventions for the restoration and protection of the seabed and marine habitats, the strengthening of the national system for the observation of marine and coastal ecosystems and the mapping of coastal and marine habitats, the acquisition of a new oceanographic naval unit, equipped with highly technological equipment capable of probing the seabed up to 4000 m and very high resolution acoustic instrumentation. Watch the episode  (interview at the minute 0.25.00)

The fight against the illegal use of poison: everyone's commitment. Presentation of the results of the “LIFE Egyptian vulture” project

Apr 01, 2023 from 10:00 AM Matera, Ente Parco Murgia Materana, Via Sette Dolori 10 nel Sasso Barisano,
On April 1, the conference "The fight against the illegal use of poison: everyone's commitment" will take place in Matera, organized in collaboration with the Murgia Materana Park, during which the results of the LIFE EGYPTIAN VULTURE Project will be illustrated, of which ISPRA is a partner. The invitation to participate is addressed to operators and citizens. Two ISPRA experts will participate in the conference.

Documentary "The Roots of the Sea". Innovation and good practices to protect the marine ecosystem

Mar 29, 2023 Livorno,
Today in Livorno was held the video "The Roots of the Sea" on the design and construction of eco-sustainable reforestation plants of Posidonia oceanica meadows was held today at the Livorno Aquarium. The conference was an opportunity to meet and discuss marine environmental issues and some topics on the agenda such as drought, water emergencies and desalination

Disaggregation of the SDG indicator 6.4.2 (level of water stress) by river basin

Mar 24, 2023 from 04:00 PM to 05:15 PM New York (USA),
The 24 March in the whole of UN 2023 Water Conference  it will be held  side event  organized by FAO in which the work, carried out by ISPRA in the context of an agreement with FAO and with the support of Istat, on the pilot case "Italy" and the disaggregation of the SDG 6.4.2 indicator at the scale of river basin district. SDG 6.4.2 tracks the amount of freshwater withdrawn by all economic activities, relative to the total freshwater renewable resources available (net of environmental water needs). This indicator evaluates the water stress to which water bodies are subjected due to withdrawals.