Istituto Superiore per la Protezione
e la Ricerca Ambientale


Greenhouse gas emissions: growing trend again, accomplices transport and global warming

The scenarios up to 2030 are not very promising

The ISPRA National Inventory of greenhouse gas emissions and other pollutants is online

In 2021, greenhouse gas emissions in Italy will start to grow again after the stop of the pandemic period: in just one year (2020-2021) the values ​​show a sharp increase (+8.5%), despite recording a decrease of 20% compared to 1990, thanks to the growth in recent years of energy production from renewable sources (hydroelectric and wind), energy efficiency in industrial sectors and the transition to the use of fuels with a lower carbon content. But the reduction is not enough: emissions are 11 million tonnes above the target set for 2021.

A situation which, according to estimates, seems destined to continue not only in 2022, but also in future years. In fact, the scenarios to 2030 are not very promising: a low reduction in emissions in the transport and heating sectors is expected and a misalignment with the objectives established by Effort Sharing which in 2030 could exceed 15 million tonnes. It is therefore essential to reverse the trend if we want to meet the emission reduction targets.