Istituto Superiore per la Protezione
e la Ricerca Ambientale


Problematic bears in the Province of Trento: plan and actions

To date, the bears considered problematic in Trentino are the female JJ4 and two males, MJ5 and M62. The Interregional Action Plan for the Conservation of the Brown Bear in the Central-Eastern Alps (PACOBACE) - which contains a reference table with the problematic behaviors of bears, ordered according to a danger index and with possible actions - clarifies that " To define a "problematic" bear it is important to know the subject's history and take into account any previous anomalous behavior; the degree of problematic increases when there is a repetition of potentially dangerous behavior by the same individual. The assessment of behaviors must be conducted on a case-by-case basis, taking into account not only the interpretative key regarding the degree of problematic nature provided by the table".