Istituto Superiore per la Protezione
e la Ricerca Ambientale


Flood in Emilia Romagna, the ISPRA headquarters in Ozzano counts the damage

Although not directly involved in the floods, the ISPRA headquarters in Ozzano dell'Emilia was also affected by the flood events of the last few days. In particular due to water infiltration from the roof, the volumes of the library, which constitute an important heritage in the history of Italian wildlife management, will have to be subjected to damage analysis by specialists in the sector.

The space of the barn, where there are freezers in which exhibits from the ISPRA zoological museum are kept awaiting preparation, was flooded and the freezers damaged. Thanks to the timely intervention of some employees, the freezers were moved and made safe, avoiding the degradation of the mammals and birds stored in them.

The wet meadows of the ISPRA fund have very well absorbed the rain that has fallen in recent days; some infrastructure such as the roof of the headquarters and the pipes outside the building unfortunately could not withstand the impact. Actions are being taken to free the pipes and make the systems safe.

Furthermore, several employees of the Institute have had serious problems in their municipalities of residence due to flooding and landslides, some have had to leave their homes and others, after being isolated for a few days, find it difficult to move from home to work, being the traffic still interrupted on many roads.

Thanks to the colleagues of the ISPRA headquarters in Ozzano dell'Emilia for having worked in these days in difficult conditions to restore the various critical issues generated by the flood in the hope that the emergency will soon be overcome.

ISPRA is committed to constantly providing citizens with information on the progress of the emergency in Emilia and Romagna.

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