Istituto Superiore per la Protezione
e la Ricerca Ambientale



Final conference LIFE project Desert-Adapt

Jun 23, 2023 from 10:00 AM to 12:30 PM Online event,
On 23 June the European partners will meet at the final conference of the LIFE Desert-Adapt project. With a group of invited experts, the risk of soil desertification and the pilot strategies that have been implemented to achieve land degradation neutrality will be analysed. The round table will be an opportunity to debate on the initiatives tested in the LIFE Desert-Adapt project and on their potential to respond to the climate crisis through regenerative agricultural, ecological, economic and social practices.

The President of ISPRA and SNPA is the new Vice President of the Management Board of the European Environment Agency

Jun 08, 2023
The 99th meeting of the Management Board of the European Environment Agency was held today. Among the items on the agenda, the election of the new vice president: the President of ISPRA and SNPA, Stefano Laporta, was elected with 26 votes out of 29, confirming Italy as vice president of the management board. “Honoured by this appointment, I thank the Minister of the Environment, Gilberto Pichetto Fratin for his support and Alessandro Bratti for the work done and my colleagues for their trust. Also in this capacity I will continue my commitment to strengthen the country's position in the community context and to accelerate the pace on the path towards sustainability" - declared President Laporta.

XI edition of the National Festival of Planet Earth Week

Oct 07, 2023 to Oct 08, 2023 Regional Natural Park of Monti Simbruini,
Between geology, nature and culture: two itineraries in the Monti Simbruini Regional Natural Park On the occasion of the 11th edition of the National Festival of Planet Earth Week (1-8 October 2023) ISPRA proposes two scientific treks in the Monti i Simbruini Regional Natural Park. Through a double itinerary, a different way of using the territory is offered - slow tourism - which allows the observation of geological, hydrogeological, geomorphological, botanical and faunal characteristics. ISPRA fully shares the slogan that accompanies the festival this year: a more informed society is a more involved society. Brochure Photo gallery

150 years since the foundation of the Geological Survey of Italy

Jun 15, 2023
The Royal Decree n. 1421 of 15 June 1873, signed by King Vittorio Emanuele II, established the Geological Survey of Italy, which marks its 150th anniversary on 15 June. The Decree, kept in the original in the  ISPRA library  , determined the rules for the preparation and publication of the Geological Map of Italy, entrusting them to the Geological Office set up in the Section of the Royal Mining Corps in Rome, dependent on the Ministry of 'Agriculture, Industry and Crafts and placed under the high scientific advice of the Geological Committee.

Waste from e-commerce, presentation of the results of the program agreement between Mase, Amazon and consortia

Jun 14, 2023 from 11:00 AM to 12:00 PM Rome, Auditorium MASE,
The first results of the program agreement between the Ministry of the Environment and Energy Security, Amazon Services Europe Sarl and the Erp Italia, Erion Weee, Erion Energy consortia for testing an Extended Producer Responsibility model for online marketplaces, with specific reference to WEEE - the Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment sector - will be presented on Wednesday 14 June 2023, at 11.00, during a press conference.

16 June, World sea turtle day

World Sea Turtle Day is celebrated on 16 June, a day dedicated to raising awareness of the endangered status of these species. On January 20, the Kick-off meeting of the LIFE TURTLENEST project was held, co-financed by the European Union and coordinated by Legambiente, whose main objective is to conserve and protect the Caretta Caretta sea turtle. LIFE TURTLENEST also intends to evaluate the impact of climate change on the nesting of the species. ISPRA, as project partner, is responsible for the geomorphological characterization of nesting sites, analysis for land use planning and management, geomorphological and chemical characterization and preparation of guidelines on coastal erosion management for the suitability of the nesting habitat.

World day against desertification and drought

Jun 17, 2023
The "World Day to Combat Desertification and Drought" proclaimed by the United Nations with a 1995 resolution is celebrated every year on 17 June. The proposed topic for 2023 is " Her Land. Her Rights" . The UNCCD strongly urges greater access to rights to the land that women very often cultivate but often they do not have sufficient rights to own it or in any case manage it and are often the first victims of desertification. The attention towards the role of women in the direct management of the soil of the UNCCD (United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification) has grown considerably in recent years, with the adoption in 2017 of a Gender Action Plan, first, and then with actions aimed at supporting national governments to adopt appropriate tools to promote gender equality and access to rights.

Water availability, reached an all-time low: maximum deficits in Sicily, Sardegna and in the Po river district

In 2022, about 20% of the national territory will be affected by extreme drought June 17, 2023 World Day to Combat Desertification and Drought The downward trend recorded by ISPRA in terms of national water availability continues in 2022, with an average value slightly exceeding 221 mm and a reduction of over 51% compared to the average referring to the period 1951-2022, hits an all-time low. Sicily (–80.7%), Sardinia, (–73%) and the River Po River Basin District (–66%) are the areas most affected by the water deficit in 2022. Drought, confirmed the growing trend. In 2022, about 20% of the national territory was in conditions of extreme drought and about 40% in severe and moderate drought. In terms of persistence of drought conditions, 2022 is the third most serious year in Italy, preceded only by 1990 and 2002 Press release (ita) BIGBANG  model developed by ISPRA which analyzes the hydrological situation from 1951 to 2022 providing a detailed picture of the components of the hydrological balance and of the renewable water resource

Change the climate. Change the sea

Jun 30, 2023 from 07:00 PM to 08:00 PM Isola d'Elba, Marciana Marina,
The Sea Essence International Festival is held on the Island of Elba from 30 June to 2 July, the first international festival dedicated to the protection and enhancement of the sea. The three-day activities will focus on the initiatives to be undertaken to achieve full sustainability for the marine ecosystem, bringing together the environment, economy and society. On Friday 30 June, the ISPRA Director General, Maria Siclari, will participate in the conference "Change the climate Change the sea". The central themes of the meeting are pollution and the overexploitation of the seas and oceans which cause an increasing number of problems, such as the danger for the diversity of species, the acidification of the seas and the increase in plastic waste. .

Covid-19 and pollution: the conference on the EpiCovAir project on 20 June

Jun 20, 2023 from 10:00 AM to 12:00 PM Rome/Online,
On 20 June, from 10 to 12, the results of EpiCovAir, the national epidemiological project on COVID-19 and air pollution promoted by the Istituto Superiore di Sanità (ISS) and by the Istituto Superiore per la Protezione e Ricerca Ambientale - National System for the Environmental Protection (ISPRA-SNPA).

ENCA Network 31st edition

Jun 19, 2023 Stirling (Scotland),
The 31st session of the Network of European Agencies for Nature Conservation (ENCA network) opens today in Stirling (Scotland). The topics of the meeting are: land use; the contribution of agencies in the implementation of policies for the conservation of species and habitats; the support of the agencies for the implementation of the global agreement approved at the end of 2022 at the COP15 of the UN Convention on Biological Diversity; the approval of a document of the ENCA network, drawn up also with the contribution of ISPRA, on the concept of "transformative change". This latest report contains a number of illustrative examples for moving towards the transformational shift needed to contrast the loss of the planet's biological integrity.

Advanced forms of geological modeling in 3D: knowledge tool for planning and design

Jul 05, 2023 Lucca,
Modeling and 3D representation, even digital, of subsoil geology represent a new way to transfer geological knowledge. The technological development of software suitable for this representation and modeling of the dynamics of geological and hydrogeological processes has made possible to have new tools for representing and communicating the phenomena of the physical environment.

Italy Mission 2021-2026 - PNRR of Municipalities and Cities

Jul 05, 2023 to Jul 06, 2023 Rome, Centro Congressi "La -Nuvola",
“Italy boasts one of the highest circularity rates in Europe: 18.4% of materials return to the production system, as secondary raw material - said ISPRA President Stefano Laporta - to do even more, we have to improve the quality of differentiated waste collection also through a location of the collection centers that makes them more easily usable by citizens". "With its data, ISPRA is at the forefront to support MASE and the Municipalities in implementing the interventions of the PNRR on the circular economy" recalled President Laporta who spoke today at the Congress Center - La Nuvola at the event organized by Anci " Italy Mission 2021-2026 - PNRR of Municipalities and Cities"

Final results of the GoFree project

The final results of the project dedicated to the introduction of striped humpback shrimp  fishing in Sardegna with biodegradable and compostable pots are encouraging. In the 5 experimental fishing campaigns, "sustainable" tools offered performances, in terms of fishing yield, comparable to those made of plastic. The researchers also studied the nutritional components of the striped hunchback, deep-sea shrimp, to evaluate its nutritional contribution to human nutrition. The GoFree project, coordinated by ISPRA, has opened up new perspectives for reconciling tradition, sustainability and innovation with a view to conserving biodiversity in marine environments.

Final event MED Dé.CO.U.Plages

Jun 21, 2023 to Jun 22, 2023 Kerkennah – Tunisia,
Two days dedicated to the European Italy-Tunisia project, for an eco-sustainable management of plastic waste and Posidonia oceanica deposits. The project , in which ISPRA participates, was developed over three years, among the beaches of some sites identified by the researchers (Favignana, Kerkennah, Madia) to experiment with best practice models for mapping and monitoring the accumulations of Posidonia (Banquette) and to develop an ecological beach model. The closure of the project, which was held in Kerkennah (TU) these days saw the participation of all the partners involved

ISPRA at the Flowpath 2023 conference

Jun 13, 2023 to Jun 16, 2023 Malta,
From 13 to 16 June, ISPRA participated in the Flowpath 2023 conference in Malta, the sixth edition of the hydrogeology biennial of the Italian Chapter of the International Association of Hydrogeologists (IAH). The meeting, which was also attended by international experts, was organized this year by the Government of Malta. The ISPRA Geological Survey of Italy participated with presentations regarding some of the projects and activities underway on hydrogeological issues.

National conference EcoForum - X edition

Jul 04, 2023 to Jul 05, 2023 Rome, Hotel Quirinale, Via Nazionale 7,
Legambiente, Nuova Ecologia and Kyoto Club, in collaboration with Conai and Conou, with the patronage of the Ministry of the Environment and Energy Security, will organize the X edition of EcoForum, the national conference on the circular economy. The two-day EcoForum is divided into five sessions: Circular economy, European policies and national challenges; The national waste management plan and PNRR; The plant network to challenge the European objectives; The circular economy supply chains; GPP in Italy: the picture of the green procurement observatory.

2nd Seminar of SETAC ILB

Oct 11, 2023 Rome, Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, Piazzale Aldo Moro 7,
The Italian Language Branch (ILB) of SETAC is a forum of biologists, chemists and scientists who deal with environmental sciences in Italy and/or abroad, sharing the Italian language. It represents an important opportunity for discussion, exchange of ideas and dialogue between research institutions, environmental authorities and industries, promoting the application of scientific knowledge to environmental policy.

The big predators between the rules of nature and law

Jun 30, 2023 from 10:00 AM to 05:30 PM Venice, Università Ca' Foscari,
The first part of the conference will discuss the conservation and management of big predators from a legal and biological point of view with a focus on the reintroduction of the bear in Trentino. The second part of the conference, on the other hand, will give space to the pronouncements of the TAR and the Council of State and to the role of ISPRA in the decision-making and juridical processes to face the issue of the role of environmental associations in the management of big predators.