Istituto Superiore per la Protezione
e la Ricerca Ambientale


Nationwide hydrological water budget: focus on drought and natural availability of renewable water resources. Update to 2022.

New ISPRA Report
In 2022, with 67 billion cubic meters, the annual availability of water resources reached an all-time low in Italy, registering -50% compared to the average of the climatic thirty years 1951-2020 and -52% compared to the long-term average 1951-2022 .
The RBDs of Sicily (–80.7%), Sardinia (–73%) and the River Po (–66%) were the most affected by the water shortage in 2022.
On an annual scale, the 2022 drought was the third most severe and persistent since 1952, preceded only by that of 1990 and 2002.