Istituto Superiore per la Protezione
e la Ricerca Ambientale


Record heat and drought in 2022

Italy's climate in SNPA report. Peak temperature anomaly in June (+3.09°C) and lowest rainfall levels (-22%) since 1961

The "Climate in Italy in 2022" report, published by ISPRA annually since 2006, becomes a SNPA product this year.
Thanks to the involvement of the National System for Environmental Protection, it is enriched with insights on climate also at regional and local scales, as well as on the most relevant hydro-meteo-climatic and meteo-marine aspects of the year under review.

The year 2022 was the least rainy year since 1961, marking -22% below the 1991-2020 climatological average, with precipitation below normal (-39%) from January to July. The anomalies were most pronounced in the North (-33%), followed by the Center (-15%) and the South and Islands (-13%)